will use "fighter.gd" or inherit from it,as it ha most functions.
for its movement: it stays around its parent big ship and flocks in formation around other drones.
if it detects a threat (enemy ship,torpedo,bomb,rocket)it will move towards it and try to shot it.
it will even kamikaze on bombs if their too close.
shooting:: it can shot regular laser, some drones shot dumb fire rockets,some shot smart fire rockets. they all have one weapon.
will use "fighter.gd" or inherit from it,as it ha most functions.
for its movement: it stays around its parent big ship and flocks in formation around other drones. if it detects a threat (enemy ship,torpedo,bomb,rocket)it will move towards it and try to shot it. it will even kamikaze on bombs if their too close.
shooting:: it can shot regular laser, some drones shot dumb fire rockets,some shot smart fire rockets. they all have one weapon.
they don't have shields.