yoel123 / java-text-based-space-station-manger-sim

space station management/tycoon/trader game. made for fun and practice.
5 stars 8 forks source link

the story so far (requires a lot of help with this) #9

Open yoel123 opened 3 years ago

yoel123 commented 3 years ago

we can do without a story, but a story makes it even better.

so you run a space station, i haven't come up with a background story for that.

but I do have a rough idea of the world/universe ill try to summarize the whole thing:

man kind took to the stars, haven't met any other intelligent life forms yet.

FTL hyperspace technology invented for moving through star systems and gates for traveling between the milky way galaxy Clusters.

the game takes place at a fringe cluster of the galaxy that got cut off the gates system for hundreds of years and reverted to a technological dark ages state where not many people really know how to use technology (the same thing that happened at the start of the middle ages where roman architecture was forgotten among other things).

while some FTL capability remains (hyperspace for traveling between systems) all the ships and most tech is based on pre dark ages scematics that are kept in the hands of major factions and the powerful thus maintaining a tech monopoly at the hands of few people.

our hero the space station manager with the support of a major faction have built a space station in an empty neutral system that lies between major factions star systems, as a trading post and safe Starlene.

while its a very profitable operation, it might also attract pirates and others to disrupt trade and threaten the safety and lives of everyone involved.

In the beginning, a small fleet of ships will patrol and protect the system, but as its not a very important tactical/strategic location the fleet will be pulled back the moment their faction needs them, leaving the station and traders to fend for themselves.

while even a small space station is a fortress of guns, armor, and shields able to take on the biggest warship, it cant protect the trade routes and can be overrun by a persistent assault.

the tech weapons and defense (of the game universe) is diverse, kinetic and explosives are used alongside energy weapons and energy shields. thats because the energy weapons are not advanced/effective enough to replace kinetic old school weapons (not yet at least).

robotics is a bit sub-par and expensive .medical science is quit advances and too expensive for most people. automation and product fabricators are quite common (they are easy to use but almost no one remembers how to create them) turning raw materials into usable items (requires a factory to utilize).

habitable earth-like planets are rare with only two found on this sector (there might be more as the cluster is mostly unexplored and wasn't explored well before the "dark ages").

as you can tell I need help writing this as im not a writer im a programmer, so if you're a writer and are interested in this project contact me.

being the writer for this game can be very beneficial, as its free marketing for you, as this project grows so does its exposure (as its also free and doesn't have a paywall it can reach even further) if you have a better way to get exposure as a writer you might want to invest in that, this project is a great opportunity for obscure sci-fi writers. plus I will invest in marketing it so it's free paid marketing and will take your name further then you could alone.

contact me if that interests you.


cShirley14 commented 3 years ago

Have you thought of branching the player characters into a kind of like Starfinder-esque races/abilities, this could add more flavor in since the user could build their character and select special abilities before starting the game (I know this is like a wishlist type feature, but it could be cool).

I would love to help with universe building if I have time, definitely getting Star Wars-esqe vibes with the aged/lost technology, this is really cool!

yoel123 commented 3 years ago

no aliens that's what I decided, only humans. but it will have AIs.

adding character background traits shouldn't be so hare (i already have an upgrades system and soon characters implemented), but indeed it's a luxury feature.

about "aged/lost technology" kind of, the whole sector has been cut off from humanity for hundreds of years. there are no real advancements. Religion and superstition make a comeback blaming technology for everything.

i you want to help with that, again contact me and i will give you all the details/ vision/ technical stuff etc etc.