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Project : Blogging website #29

Open yogeshtakeo opened 7 months ago

yogeshtakeo commented 7 months ago

Blogging Site Task

Task Description: You are assigned to create a Blogging Site using React. The site should allow users to manage their blog posts by updating, deleting, and creating new posts. The application should provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing blog posts.


Frontend (React):

  1. Post List:

    • Display a list of blog posts retrieved from a static data source (JSON) initially.
    • Each post should show the title, content, and date of creation.
    • Provide buttons to edit and delete each post.
  2. Create Post:

    • Implement a form to create a new blog post.
    • The form should include fields for the post title and content.
    • Upon submission, the new post should be added to the post list.
  3. Edit Post:

    • Implement an edit feature for each blog post.
    • Clicking the edit button should open a modal with the current post details.
    • Allow users to modify the title and content.
    • Upon saving changes, update the blog post in the list.
  4. Delete Post:

    • Provide a delete button for each blog post.
    • When clicked, prompt the user for confirmation before deleting the post.
    • Remove the blog post from the list after confirmation.

Additional Considerations:

  1. User Experience:

    • Implement smooth animations and transitions.
    • Provide feedback messages for successful and failed actions.
  2. UI Design:

    • Use a CSS framework (e.g., Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS) or custom styles for styling the components.
  3. Error Handling:

    • Handle errors gracefully and display error messages to users if needed.
  4. State Management:

    • Use React's state management (Context API or Redux) for managing the blog post list and modal state.

Submission: Provide the source code for the React application along with any necessary instructions to set up and run the application locally.

Evaluation Criteria: Your submission will be evaluated based on the functionality, code quality, user experience, and adherence to the provided requirements. Focus on creating a polished and user-friendly Blogging Site.

shantibasnet commented 7 months ago

Shanti Basnet [Project : Blogging website] URL: https://github.com/shantibasnet/blogWebsite

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Narayanadhikari9 commented 7 months ago

Name: Narayan Adhikari Project: Blogging website GitHub URL: https://github.com/Narayanadhikari9/Blogging-project
