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Task 4: JSX Semantics #4

Open yogeshtakeo opened 10 months ago

yogeshtakeo commented 10 months ago

Task 4: HTML Semantics and CSS Styling in React JSX


Apply HTML semantics and CSS styling in a React JSX component.

Task Overview

Task Details

Read an article about the importance of HTML semantics in web development. HTML Semantics Link

Create a new React component:

Implement HTML semantics:

  1. Inside the App.js, use HTML semantics to structure the content.
  2. Add semantic HTML tags such as<header>, <nav>, <main>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer> to represent different sections of the component's content.
  3. Place some placeholder content within each semantic tag (e.g., headings, paragraphs, and lists).
  4. Apply CSS styling with inline styles:

Use inline styles in React JSX to apply CSS styling to the semantic components. Select some of the semantic tags you added in the previous step and apply custom CSS styles using the style attribute in the JSX. Experiment with different CSS properties such as background-color, color, font-size, padding, margin, and border.

Render the Semantic components:

  1. Import and render the Semantic component in another component
  2. Verify that the Semantic components are rendered correctly and the CSS styles are applied through the inspect panel.

Test and refine the styling:

Task Submission

Take a screenshot of the rendered semantic components in the browser. Share the screenshot of the output and the code that you have written in the issue comment box. Don't forget to mention GitHub URL and your name in the comment section.

aniltimalsina commented 10 months ago

Name: Anil Timalsina Task 4: JSX Semantics GitHub link: https://github.com/aniltimalsina/jsx-semantics

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 11 15 10 PM Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 11 15 27 PM Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 11 16 26 PM
mbasnet123456 commented 10 months ago

Name: Manoj Basnet Task 4: JSX Semantics




shantibasnet commented 10 months ago

Name: Shanti Basnet Task 4: JSX Semantics https://github.com/shantibasnet/jsx-semantics/tree/master

image image image
sansubed commented 10 months ago

Name: Santona Subedi Task 4: JSX Semantics

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 11 01 04 PM Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 11 01 18 PM

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 11 03 19 PM

github repo URL: https://github.com/sansubed/React-JSX-Semantics.git

Madhv98 commented 10 months ago

Name: Madhav Dhital Task 4: JSX Semantics

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 12 38 33 AM Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 12 38 54 AM Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 12 39 16 AM Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 12 39 26 AM Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 12 40 00 AM

Github link: https://github.com/Madhv98/task4.git

Roshna07 commented 10 months ago

Name:Roshna Tuladhar Task#4: JSX Semantics Github:https://github.com/Roshna07/HTML-AND-CSS.git

task 4 html APPCSS task 4 Netflix
Narayanadhikari9 commented 10 months ago

Name: Narayan Adhikari Task 4: HTML Semantics and CSS Styling in React JSX GitHub Link: https://github.com/Narayanadhikari9/jsx/tree/main/JSX Task 4 task4 code

samyak1996 commented 10 months ago

name:Samyak Tuladhar taksk 4: semantic HTML and CSS Github URL: https://github.com/samyak1996/fourth-task-Semantic-CSS


image image image

App.css image image

Youngbikalp commented 10 months ago

Name: Bikalp Timalsina Task 4: JSX Semantics Git Repo URL: https://github.com/Youngbikalp/vite-react-hands-on-day-2/tree/vite-react-hands-on-day-3 image image image

samyak1996 commented 10 months ago

Missed the webpage screenshot. so attaching here.

image image

Nimaomu commented 10 months ago

Name: Nima O Lama Tak 4: JSX Semantics git url: https://github.com/Nimaomu/task4 Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 11 32 21 PM Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 11 32 28 PM Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 11 31 40 PM

raj-maharjan99 commented 10 months ago

Name: Raj Kumar Maharjan Task 4 : JSX Semantics Github repo link : https://github.com/samragi99/task4-jsx.git

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ghost commented 10 months ago

Screenshot (9) Name: Prakash Karki Task 4: JSX Semantics GitHub link: https://github.com/karki37/react-html-semantics.git Screenshot (7) Screenshot (8)