Objective: Build a weather forecast application that fetches current weather data from the OpenWeather API based on the user's location or a searched city name.
UI Design (CSS Modules):
Design a clean and visually appealing interface using CSS modules.
A search bar to input a city name.
A weather display area that shows the temperature, weather description, and an icon.
Additional details like humidity, wind speed, and forecast for the day.
Weather Data Fetching (API Integration with OpenWeather):
Task: Weather Forecast App
Objective: Build a weather forecast application that fetches current weather data from the OpenWeather API based on the user's location or a searched city name.
UI Design (CSS Modules):
Weather Data Fetching (API Integration with OpenWeather):
React Functionality (useState and useEffect):
to manage:useEffect
to:Bonus (Optional):
Evaluation Criteria:
Estimated Time: ~1 week