yogiben / meteor-admin

A complete admin dashboard solution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom User Table #319

Open Obiwarn opened 8 years ago

Obiwarn commented 8 years ago

How can I add tableColumns to the user table? I need e.g. Name, Language, etc..

merlinstardust commented 8 years ago

I would like to do the same thing. I would especially like to add an online status column.

While it's great that meteor admin comes with preconfigured user settings, it would be really nice if these could be overwritten and more configurable.

merlinstardust commented 8 years ago

Found a workaround for now. It's ugly but it works.

Create a lib/users_table.js

Copy in the below code. This is copied from lib/both/startup.coffee. Editing this will allow you to customize the Users table view precisely.

If you'd rather just customize it using the tableColumns syntax, I've added code for that as well. Except instead of declaring tableColumns, declare userColumns like so

AdminConfig = {
  collections: ...
  userColumns: [
    {label: 'Name', name: 'profile.name'},
  userSchema: ...
var adminDelButton, adminEditButton, adminEditDelButtons, adminTablesDom;
adminTablesDom = '<"box"<"box-header"<"box-toolbar"<"pull-left"<lf>><"pull-right"p>>><"box-body"t>><r>';
adminEditButton = {
  data: '_id',
  title: 'Edit',
  createdCell: function(node, cellData, rowData) {
    return $(node).html(Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.adminEditBtn, {
      _id: cellData
  width: '40px',
  orderable: false
adminDelButton = {
  data: '_id',
  title: 'Delete',
  createdCell: function(node, cellData, rowData) {
    return $(node).html(Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.adminDeleteBtn, {
      _id: cellData
  width: '40px',
  orderable: false
adminEditDelButtons = [adminEditButton, adminDelButton];

var extraColumns = _.map(AdminConfig.userColumns, function(column) {
  var createdCell;
  if (column.template) {
    createdCell = function(node, cellData, rowData) {
      return Blaze.renderWithData(Template[column.template], {
        value: cellData,
        doc: rowData
      }, node);
  return {
    data: column.name,
    title: column.label,
    createdCell: createdCell

// default view code, edit this to change the look
AdminTables.Users = new Tabular.Table({
  changeSelector: function(selector, userId) {
    var $or;
    $or = selector['$or'];
    $or && (selector['$or'] = _.map($or, function(exp) {
      var _ref;
      if (((_ref = exp.emails) != null ? _ref['$regex'] : void 0) != null) {
        return {
          emails: {
            $elemMatch: {
              address: exp.emails
      } else {
        return exp;
    return selector;
  name: 'Users',
  collection: Meteor.users,
  columns: _.union([
      data: '_id',
      title: 'Admin',
      createdCell: function(node, cellData, rowData) {
        return $(node).html(Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.adminUsersIsAdmin, {
          _id: cellData
      width: '40px'
    }, {
      data: 'emails',
      title: 'Email',
      render: function(value) {
        return value[0].address;
      searchable: true
    }, {
      data: 'emails',
      title: 'Mail',
      createdCell: function(node, cellData, rowData) {
        return $(node).html(Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.adminUsersMailBtn, {
          emails: cellData
      width: '40px'
    }, {
      data: 'createdAt',
      title: 'Joined'
  ], extraColumns, adminEditDelButtons),
  dom: adminTablesDom,
yogiben commented 8 years ago

Maybe you could refine a bit and submit a PR @merlinpatt?

kajoik commented 6 years ago

Here's a less intrusive solution:

Meteor.startup ->
  @AdminTables.Users.options.columns.splice(1, 0, title: 'First Name', data: 'profile.firstname')
  @AdminTables.Users.options.columns.splice(2, 0, title: 'Last Name', data: 'profile.lastname')
  @AdminTables.Users.options.columns.splice(3, 0, title: 'Username', data: 'username')

Further modifications seem to be possible.