yogiben / meteor-autoform-modals

Adds modals to insert/update/delete Meteor collections
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Tap_i18n integration with afModal #72

Open Pierre-Ferreira opened 8 years ago

Pierre-Ferreira commented 8 years ago

How can Tap_i18n be integrated with afModal? e.g

{{#afModal collection="entriesCollection" title="Delete this entry?" prompt="This will delete it forever!" buttonContent="DELETE" operation="remove" doc=_id}}
   <i class="fa fa-times text-danger pull-right"></i>

Can something like this be done?

{{#afModal collection="IllnessProfiles" title={{_ "modal_title"}} prompt={{_ "modal_prompt"}} buttonContent={{_ "modal_btnContent"}} operation="remove" doc=_id}}
   <i class="fa fa-times text-danger pull-right"></i>