yogodoshi / cansei

Tá de saco cheio de uma empresa pelo seu péssimo atendimento ao consumidor? Junte-se a outros e lembre-os incessantemente de quão insatisfeito vocês estão!
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Add a default tweet message that advertises the website #21

Closed yogodoshi closed 6 years ago

yogodoshi commented 7 years ago

It will be a way to advertise the website, to gather more people that hates the given company to sign up and start tweeting as well!

Maybe we should hardcode the message in the code so people can't easily remove it from the yaml file? Nothing like a shady thing but because I think most people will just remove all the messages without reading them.

Another option would be creating a new key in the settings just for this message which would allow people to easily change it 🤔

nicknish commented 7 years ago

Another option would be creating a new key in the settings just for this message

Yup. Suggestion: preview_message?

yogodoshi commented 7 years ago

Hmm I think that "preview message" sounds like a fake message that wouldn't be sent. I couldn't think of a good name now though :(

nicknish commented 7 years ago

message_sample or featured_message?

yogodoshi commented 7 years ago

Sample still looks like an "example" which might not be used, featured_message is the best one so far IMO đź‘Ť

nicknish commented 7 years ago

I can implement this. Any thought to where it will go in the design? See #17 for mocks

yogodoshi commented 7 years ago

Hmmm I think there is a confusion going on here, what I meant in this issue is to just hardcode a random tweet in the tweet list. It would appear only in the settings file, not in the UI. A new key with a tweet message as its value, like: "If you also are fed up with the terrible service that Santander is delivering, join us: http://santanderhasterribleservice.com".

And TwitterService#random_complain_message would get a random message from the sum of the random tweets + this "featured_message".

This what was I wanted to discuss in this issue. What I think you understood is like showing in the UI an example of a tweet, isn't it? I think we talked about this on slack... which I also think its good to have! Maybe create a new issue for it?