yogstation13 / Yogstation

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Librarian Role Broken: Barcode Scanner #17055

Open gtdrw opened 1 year ago

gtdrw commented 1 year ago



Short Description

Barcode scanner doesn't work at all


  1. Join the round as archivist or otherwise
  2. Try to use barcode scanner by following the wiki or otherwise
  3. Get frustrated because it doesn't work/do anything
  4. Ask mentors how to use it because maybe you think you're just bad, but have everyone you ever ask tell you they don't know and think it's broken
  5. Spend more time trying to figure out how to work it (other than switch its modes) and give up because it doesn't

Round ID

Any round

Test Merges

Current and previous test merges for the past month

BYOND Username

hot dyke

Additional information

Look, I am writing a series of "bugs" into the Git Hub in hopes someone will actually figure out what they are. I understand I'm being a little dramatic with my description, but the barcode scanner literally does not work as intended for the entire time I've played this game (I've only tested Yogstation and currently testing other servers to see if there is a discrepancy). I don't think I am trying to use it incorrectly and it doesn't connect to the librarian's console behind the desk. You can't scan books with it or do anything described in any wiki that uses the barcode scanner (not exaggerating), with the exception of changing the mode. The barcode scanner is utterly useless and no one uses it/ knows how/ can figure it out. I have ask many players and mentors alike about its use and none can tell me with any first hand experience how to use it (they say they don't know or quote the wiki without trying to see if it works - which I have). I have seriously consulted every wiki article, reddit article, forum or whatever I can find to figure out how to get it functioning properly, but to no avail. Please help! Any time I contact an admin about it, they just send me a link here and close my tickets.. it is rather frustrating because I don't even know if it is a bug or if the code isn't there for it or what! Thank you for getting through this and I would love to help in any way that I can to get this resolved/ fixed. I love playing the game and playing the librarian especially! I have a series of "bugs" I'm submitting, so please contact me with any further questions or concerns. I want to help!

gtdrw commented 1 year ago

I checked another server and will continue to do so, but the barcode scanner works as intended on Beestation. You can use it on the librarian's console to connect them and scan books to create a local buffer or what-have-you. Just BTW