yogstation13 / Yogstation

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Bigass morgue glowup #22237

Open AMyriad opened 5 days ago

AMyriad commented 5 days ago

Document the changes in your pull request

Hi hello hi I ported some cool stuff for morgues and bodybags, namely The cool tray animation in https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/83127 by Melbert And lots of refactoring done in https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/75065 by JohnFulpWillard

So basically:

Why is this good for the game?

Moar content is bery good



image image image


:cl: AMyriad, Melbert, JohnFulpWillard rscadd: Opening/closing morgues now have a tray sliding animation tweak: Hiding in morgues will now obscure your vision a bit rscadd: Added TGUI input menu to tagging bodybags rscadd: Tagging bodybags with a pen now applies the tag to the morgue box it's currently in rscadd: You can now craft morgue/cremator trays in the crafting menu to replace any broken ones rscdel: Removed occasionally hearing the howls of the damned while standing in the morgue area experimental: Refactored some morgue and bodybag code, you make bug report if see problem agagag /:cl:

wonderinghost commented 5 days ago

now if only they were craftable and deconstructable

AMyriad commented 5 days ago

realized I broke something guh

Firewolf34 commented 4 days ago

I wonder if breaking the morgue trays is a strat for the revenant to expose bodies?

Tagging bodybags with a pen now applies the tag to the morgue box it's currently in

Maybe we'll see the tags get more use now.

Also I might be wrong but you may have removed the last reference to spooky ambience. If that is the case, why not just remove the first two items from the list (I think that's what you're referring to as "screams of the damned" lol) instead of entirely removing the AMBIENCE_SPOOKY key from the area:


ambimo1.ogg ambimo2.ogg

(also could be wrong again but the fingerprint might've been lost on close)