yogstation13 / Yogstation

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Should fix cloning and dna based appearance weirdness I.E. changing the appearance of an empty clone changes YOUR appearance #22248

Closed Chubbygummibear closed 13 hours ago

Chubbygummibear commented 2 days ago

Document the changes in your pull request

Clone disks and scans were saving direct references to your DNA's identity and feature blocks. So changes impacting them, also impacted the scanned body.


now it just saves the string instead of the actual reference variable

Why is this good for the game?

No more worrying that a clone lying around with your DNA can randomly impact you. However radiation and stuff can still change your appearance so maybe i'll do something about that eventually



let me know if clones end up coming out more accurate than they should. Mqiib was saying some aspects like eye color were supposed to be different


:cl: thanks for the help @TehLadyK bugfix: cloning scans and disks no longer hold a direct reference to your DNA appearance attributes /:cl: