yogthos / migratus

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Migratus doesn't find migrations in uberjar when built with deps.edn #184

Closed pcolliander closed 4 years ago

pcolliander commented 4 years ago


I migrated my project from using lein to clj-deps. After this change migratus/migrate no longer find new migrations. I verified this by building an uberjar with lein instead, and then it does find the migrations.

I'm using uberdeps to build the uberjar with deps.edn. If I compare the uberjar built with lein and uberdeps I don't see any big differences:

built with deps.edn


built with leiningen


Only difference I see is that there's a migrations/ in the leiningen uberjar above the migrations.

; my deps.edn
; ---
:paths ["src/clj" "src/cljc" "resources" "classes"]
           :uberjar {:extra-deps {uberdeps {:mvn/version "0.1.8"}}
                     :main-opts ["-m" "uberdeps.uberjar"]}

Is there something different I have to do with regards to migratus when building an uberjar with deps.edn instead of lein?

yogthos commented 4 years ago

I don't use deps.edn myself, so unfortunately I don't know really know how the uberjar is created with uberdeps. It might be better to open an issue with the uberdeps project to see what's happening.

skoestler commented 4 years ago

For what it's worth, I'm using https://github.com/seancorfield/depstar to build my uberjar and migratus seems to properly find and run migrations.

(edit spelling)

yogthos commented 4 years ago

Since migratus works with both leiningen and depstar, it seems like the issue is with uberdeps, so I'm going to close it.

amackera commented 3 years ago

Anyone stumbling on this in modern times: just make sure you're running uberdeps >= 1.0.0 and it should work as expected