yohang / CalendR

The missing PHP 5.3+ calendar management library.
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make Week iterator external (WeekIterator) #30

Closed ovgray closed 8 years ago

ovgray commented 11 years ago

add alternate WeekdaysIterator add week_iterator_class, weekdays_iterator_class and weekdays_only options to factory add getOption() to FactoryInterface add getFactory to PeriodInterface add WeekIteratorsTest cs fix (affects DayTest, Stubs/EventRepository and CalendarTest)

This backwards compatible PR allows a configuration in which iteration of Week objects returns just the Day objects that correspond to weekdays -- by setting the 'weekdays_only' factory option to true.

ovgray commented 10 years ago

I have rebased this PR on the current master and tidied up a couple of cosmetic issues.