yohang / CalendR

The missing PHP 5.3+ calendar management library.
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First and last day of the week #47

Open iBet7o opened 7 years ago

iBet7o commented 7 years ago


I need to show the first and last day of the week with the format {{ first_monday_number }}-{{ last_saturday_number }} {{ month_name }}. Example with the week number 24: 2017-06-12 to 2017-06-18


$year = $request->query->has('year') ? $request->query->get('year') : date('Y');
$weeknum = $request->query->has('weeknum') ? $request->query->get('weeknum') : date('W');

$week = $this->get('calendr')->getWeek($year, $weeknum);
$weekEvents = $this->get('calendr')->getEvents($week);

In the twig template:

{{ week.begin.format('j') }} - {{ week.end.format('j') }} of {{ week.format('F') }}

The problem is in {{ week.end.format('j') }} , print "12 - 19 of June" and I need the last day to be on Saturday: 12 - 17 of June.

How can I get the correct date?
