yohcop / openid-go

OpenID consumer implementation in Go - golang
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wordpress.com OpenID provider not supported #43

Open strk opened 7 years ago

strk commented 7 years ago

wordpress.com exposes openid.server and openid.delegate rel links, and openid-go complains with LINK with rel=openid2.provider not found -- is there any plan to support the old version ?

I've read somewhere that new wordpress.com blogs will NOT support OpenID at all, but there are many old blogs that will continue to work with the old openid version.

strk commented 7 years ago

I tried considering openid.server as a provider, but then it looks like the callback gets no signature: op_endpoint must be signed but isn't

strk commented 7 years ago

Still, the callback has openid.sig=9xxxxx&openid.signed=mode%2Cidentity which does look lke a signature, maybe openid-go just doesn't look for that one, lacking "openid2" ?

xStrom commented 7 years ago

Yes the current code is only for OpenID 2.0. Supporting OpenID 1.1 (or older) would most likely require code changes. I don't know from the top of my head what those changes are and I have no plans to implement this myself.

The spec contains some info.

strk commented 7 years ago

Do you know of another Go library doing OpenID 1.0 ?

xStrom commented 7 years ago


yohcop commented 7 years ago

Hi, Unfortunately, I'll have the same answers as @xStrom for you: no intention to implement OpenID 1.0 myself, and I don't know of any other libraries supporting this (I haven't searched, there could be one). Sorry this is not more useful.

But are you sure Wordpress does not support OpenID 2.0 at all? With a simple google search I found something showing code with openid2.provider ?

strk commented 7 years ago

Self hosted wordpress sites can probably be made to support oid2 but check this out: https://strklog.wordpress.com/ - I only see openid.server in there