yoheimuta / RxMusicPlayer

A reactive library to make it easy for audio playbacks using RxSwift.
MIT License
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Error skip #49

Closed rastaman111 closed 2 years ago

rastaman111 commented 2 years ago

Hey! I want to rewind the player 15 seconds forward and backward on the player screen, how can I do this? when I take real seconds + 15 and do seek it works, but when the audio ends and should switch to the next track it gives an error

yoheimuta commented 2 years ago

@rastaman111 You can use a skip command. .skip(seconds: 15) and .skip(seconds: -15)

rastaman111 commented 2 years ago


I have such a function, and in the input data I enter .skip (15), and when switching to a new track, the application crashes

rastaman111 commented 2 years ago
Снимок экрана 2021-12-25 в 17 44 17