yokawasa / kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump

A kubectl plugin to access nodes or remote services using a SSH jump Pod
Apache License 2.0
172 stars 18 forks source link

Pod nodeSelector #22

Closed jbenassi closed 1 year ago

jbenassi commented 1 year ago

We run a mix of arch types, I think the ssh-jump pod is supposed to work on x86/amd64, as I can't get it to work on arm64, would you add an additional nodeSelector type:

nodeSelector: "kubernetes.io/os": linux "kubernetes.io/arch": "amd64"

yokawasa commented 1 year ago

@jbenassi very sorry for super late response 🙏

It's very fair to specify "kubernetes.io/arch" in nodeSelector. I'll update shortly

$ uname -m 
# output

$ docker run -d --name ssh-server -p 22 corbinu/ssh-server
# output
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
yokawasa commented 1 year ago

FYI, you can specify your own pod template with --pod-template <file> option.

yokawasa commented 1 year ago


new 0.8.1 has been released where default pod template has kubernetes.io/arch : amd64 in nodeSelector. https://github.com/yokawasa/kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump/releases/tag/0.8.1

kubectl krew upgrade

kubectl krew list                
ssh-jump  v0.8.1 

Thank you for the request!!