Closed FPl47h closed 5 years ago
which phpipam version do you use? encrypt request will not support in new phpipam version , so the test is mainly on powershell core and you may using -UseStaticAppKeyAuth switch
we use the latest version 1.4 I'll try it again soon
Hi there, Thanks for your scripts, I'm looking to create a PR with some additional functions, in the mean time I haven't been able to get this auth method to work against 1.3.2 of phpipam (-useStaticAppKeyAuth
or -useAppKeyAuth
I get 401 as well. should it work? Also could you comment on how you configured the App within API management? once I know what works I might PR an update to the README. Do you use App security for example?
see the updated readme and check the Tests*.ps1 file to see the examples
hi, I've read several times now the documentation on and unfortunately I miss an example script for creating the session and a post / get call. The docu page probably refers to an outdated Github page "To simplify deployment you can use API classes for different languages available on Github - Collection of API clients for phpipam API." ->
There are newer versions on the main page: But this brings me the same error message after a small bugfix.
Bugfix on File "New-PhpIpamSession.ps1" in line 57
[ValidateScript ({if ($ PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') {throw (" CrptoAuth need Rijndael256, it's not implemented in powershell core ")})]
missing the positive condition so anelse {$ true}
:[ValidateScript ({if ($ PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') {throw ("CrptoAuth need Rijndael256, it's not implemented in powershell core")} else {$ true}})]
My call:
and my error message about that
I use the following Powershell version
Can someone tell me if I control the module incorrectly or if there is an error here?