yokostan / Leetcode-Solutions

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Leetcode #395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters #297

Open yokostan opened 5 years ago

yokostan commented 5 years ago
public class Solution {
    public int longestSubstring(String s, int k) {
    int d = 0;

    for (int numUniqueTarget = 1; numUniqueTarget <= 26; numUniqueTarget++)
        d = Math.max(d, longestSubstringWithNUniqueChars(s, k, numUniqueTarget));

    return d;

private int longestSubstringWithNUniqueChars(String s, int k, int numUniqueTarget) {
    int[] map = new int[128];
    int numUnique = 0; // counter 1
    int numNoLessThanK = 0; // counter 2
    int begin = 0, end = 0;
    int d = 0;

    while (end < s.length()) {
        if (map[s.charAt(end)]++ == 0) numUnique++; // increment map[c] after this statement
        if (map[s.charAt(end++)] == k) numNoLessThanK++; // inc end after this statement

        while (numUnique > numUniqueTarget) {
            if (map[s.charAt(begin)]-- == k) numNoLessThanK--; // decrement map[c] after this statement
            if (map[s.charAt(begin++)] == 0) numUnique--; // inc begin after this statement

        // if we found a string where the number of unique chars equals our target
        // and all those chars are repeated at least K times then update max
        if (numUnique == numUniqueTarget && numUnique == numNoLessThanK)
            d = Math.max(end - begin, d);

    return d;