yoktavian / time-picker-sheet

Time picker sheet library
Apache License 2.0
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Fix height for portrait and landscape orientation. -- SOLUTION #2

Open delizondo opened 1 year ago

delizondo commented 1 year ago

I've implemented this Time Picker widget in my project, and works fine, however, the ModalBottomSheet height is not correctly calculated. Tested in a large screen device, and it takes half the screen, and it just doesn't look good, also, if you flip the device to portrait mode, the ModalBottomSheet has a pixel overflow.

I took to liberty of making a few changes which fixes this problem. In the TimePickerSheet class, instead of using half the screen height in the SizedBox, I used a LayoutBuilder to obtain the widget height in the screen, as MediaQuery returns the height of the screen no matter the orientation. And inside the LayoutBuilder I used an OrientationBuilder to get the current screen orientation, and from there, calculate the correct BottomSheet height.

Complete code here:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:time_picker_sheet/widget/composition/body.dart';
import 'package:time_picker_sheet/widget/composition/header.dart';
import 'package:time_picker_sheet/widget/composition/indicator.dart';
import 'package:time_picker_sheet/widget/provider/time_picker.dart';
import 'package:time_picker_sheet/widget/time_picker.dart';

class CustomTimePickerSheet extends TimePicker {
  /// you can set initial date time from screen, so if time picker sheet
  /// opened will be directly selected the time based on initialDateTime.
  /// but this is optional, if initialDateTime not set the selected time
  /// will be 0 because using _defaultDateTime.
  final DateTime? initialDateTime;

  /// will be used as a minute interval, the default value is 15 but you can
  /// adjust based on your needs from screen. if the value is 15 then the
  /// options will be 0, 15, 30, 45.
  final int minuteInterval;

  /// will be used as a hour interval, the default value is 1 but you can
  /// adjust based on your needs from screen. if the value is 1 then the
  /// options will be start from 0 to 23.
  final int hourInterval;

  /// max hour should be >= 0 && <= 24. outside the range will
  /// trigger an error on the screen.
  final int maxHour;

  /// min hour should be >= 0 && <= 24. outside the range will
  /// trigger an error on the screen.
  final int minHour;

  /// max minute should be >= 0 && <= 60. outside the range will
  /// trigger an error on the screen.
  final int maxMinute;

  /// min minute should be >= 0 && <= 60. outside the range will
  /// trigger an error on the screen.
  final int minMinute;

  /// to enable two digit format in time picker sheet,
  /// the default value is false. When this format enabled
  /// the return value/result is still using one digit. Ex:
  /// you select 03:45 then the result would be 3:45. so you
  /// don't need to reformat or mapping anything on the screen.
  final bool twoDigit;

  final IconData sheetCloseIcon;

  final Color sheetCloseIconColor;

  /// title on the top of the sheet.
  final String sheetTitle;

  /// you can customize the style to align with your requirement.
  final TextStyle sheetTitleStyle;

  final String minuteTitle;

  final TextStyle minuteTitleStyle;

  final String hourTitle;

  final TextStyle hourTitleStyle;

  final TextStyle wheelNumberItemStyle;

  final TextStyle wheelNumberSelectedStyle;

  final String saveButtonText;

  final Color saveButtonColor;

  late final _now = DateTime.now();

  /// if initialDateTime is null, then default time will be used.
  late final _defaultDateTime = DateTime(

    Key? key,
    required this.sheetTitle,
    required this.minuteTitle,
    required this.hourTitle,
    required this.saveButtonText,
    this.minuteInterval = 15,
    this.hourInterval = 1,
    this.minHour = 0,
    this.maxHour = 24,
    this.minMinute = 0,
    this.maxMinute = 60,
    this.twoDigit = true,
    this.sheetCloseIcon = Icons.close,
    this.sheetCloseIconColor = Colors.redAccent,
    this.saveButtonColor = Colors.redAccent,
    this.sheetTitleStyle = const TextStyle(
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      fontSize: 16,
    this.hourTitleStyle = const TextStyle(
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      color: Colors.redAccent,
      fontSize: 16,
    this.minuteTitleStyle = const TextStyle(
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      color: Colors.redAccent,
      fontSize: 16,
    this.wheelNumberItemStyle = const TextStyle(
      fontSize: 14,
    this.wheelNumberSelectedStyle = const TextStyle(
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      color: Colors.redAccent,
      fontSize: 16,
  })  : assert(minHour >= 0 && minHour <= 24),
        assert(maxHour >= 0 && maxHour <= 24),
        assert(minMinute >= 0 && maxMinute <= 60),
        assert(maxMinute >= 0 && maxMinute <= 60),
        super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TimePickerProvider(
      sheetCloseIcon: sheetCloseIcon,
      sheetCloseIconColor: sheetCloseIconColor,
      sheetTitle: sheetTitle,
      sheetTitleStyle: sheetTitleStyle,
      minuteTitle: minuteTitle,
      minuteTitleStyle: minuteTitleStyle,
      hourTitle: hourTitle,
      hourTitleStyle: hourTitleStyle,
      wheelNumberItemStyle: wheelNumberItemStyle,
      wheelNumberSelectedStyle: wheelNumberSelectedStyle,
      saveButtonText: saveButtonText,
      saveButtonColor: saveButtonColor,
      twoDigit: twoDigit,
      child: LayoutBuilder(
        builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
          return OrientationBuilder(
            builder: (BuildContext context, Orientation orientation) {
              return SizedBox(
                height: orientation == Orientation.portrait
                    ? constraints.maxHeight / 2.70
                    : constraints.maxHeight / 1.2,
                child: SafeArea(
                  child: Column(
                    children: [
                      const SheetHeader(),
                      const SizedBox(height: 16),
                        child: Stack(
                          children: [
                            const TimePickerIndicator(),
                              dateTime: initialDateTime ?? _defaultDateTime,
                              itemHeight: 40,

                              /// normalize the interval to be have positive
                              /// value if somehow the interval is negative.
                              minuteInterval: minuteInterval.abs(),

                              /// normalize the interval to be have positive
                              /// value if somehow the interval is negative.
                              hourInterval: hourInterval.abs(),
                              maxHour: maxHour,
                              minHour: minHour,
                              maxMinute: maxMinute,
                              minMinute: minMinute,
                              visibleItems: 3,

And to use it:

final result = await TimePicker.show<DateTime?>(
                      context: context,
                      sheet: CustomTimePickerSheet(
                        sheetTitle: 'Set meeting schedule',
                        hourTitle: 'Hour',
                        minuteTitle: 'Minute',
                        saveButtonText: 'Save',
yoktavian commented 1 year ago

hi @delizondo thanks for raise this issue. do you mind if you create MR for this fix? since you already have the solution and the code. will be very happy if we can collaborate. i'll test in my local as well. thank you