yomishino / FFXIVAetherCompass

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Names are in lowercase, some labels are multi-line #5

Closed pigsflew closed 2 years ago

pigsflew commented 2 years ago

It'd be nice to have them "Title Cased" so they'd match the name of the target correctly.

It'd be awesome to change the labels to be all one line.

It'd look much nicer if the text was closer to the height of the icon, like if the font size were configurable and the icon were 120% of the font height rather than almost double.

instead of

Rank: B, 35y

I'd suggest something more like this:

Warmonger | Rank: B | 35y
yomishino commented 2 years ago

eaeb349b69c90c97aaed41d01d30e0be8162cbf1, 634604571cdaef103102017a5180436f23adc8eb, 78ade9300ddb635c3d572021ee07dcccceb490cf

Currently testing build only