I installed the WGDdetector by conda and performed the software. However, no files are in the folder of 02.ks_estimate, 03.hierarchial_clustering. The file in 04.final_paralogs_ks is empty. The command line used is below: “~/miniconda3/envs/WGDdetector/bin/wgddetector.pl --input_cds HS.CDS.fasta --input_pep HS.protein.fas --output_dir /newlustre/home/shaogm/wgdi/wgddetector/result/ --tmp_dir /newlustre/home/shaogm/wgdi/wgddetector/tmp/ --thread_num 4 --cluster_engine mmseqs2 --clean yes --run_cluster yes”
Additionally, no error occurs and only some warning information including"MSG: Jukes Cantor won't work -too divergent!”,“Use of uninitialized value $Ds in pattern match (m//) at /newlustre/home/shaogm/miniconda3/envs/WGDdetector/bin/calculate_ks.single.pl line 22, <$tmpfh> line 5.”“ WARNING Invalid character '*' in FASTA sequence data, ignored” I don't know what happened. Would you please help to solve it. Thanks a millon. Happy new year.
Hello: I installed the WGDdetector by conda and performed the software. However, no files are in the folder of 02.ks_estimate, 03.hierarchial_clustering. The file in 04.final_paralogs_ks is empty. The command line used is below: “~/miniconda3/envs/WGDdetector/bin/wgddetector.pl --input_cds HS.CDS.fasta --input_pep HS.protein.fas --output_dir /newlustre/home/shaogm/wgdi/wgddetector/result/ --tmp_dir /newlustre/home/shaogm/wgdi/wgddetector/tmp/ --thread_num 4 --cluster_engine mmseqs2 --clean yes --run_cluster yes” Additionally, no error occurs and only some warning information including"MSG: Jukes Cantor won't work -too divergent!”,“Use of uninitialized value $Ds in pattern match (m//) at /newlustre/home/shaogm/miniconda3/envs/WGDdetector/bin/calculate_ks.single.pl line 22, <$tmpfh> line 5.”“ WARNING Invalid character '*' in FASTA sequence data, ignored” I don't know what happened. Would you please help to solve it. Thanks a millon. Happy new year.