yoomoney / cms-joomshopping

YooKassa payment module for Joomla 3.x + JoomShopping 4.x
2 stars 2 forks source link

Обработка заказа в финальной стадии #18

Open LittleTOXA opened 5 years ago

LittleTOXA commented 5 years ago

При подверждении заказа клиентом (в случае оплаты через модуль), сообщение на почту приходит неоднократно. Может прийти 4-5 штук с разницей в несколько минут, затем через день еще 1-2 сообщения.

В логах следующая запись (и их много): /index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=notify&js_paymentclass=pm_yandex_money&no_lang=1&Itemid=164) /address.ru/public_html/libraries/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php ++702

Если заказ сделан без использования яндекс-кассы, то письмо приходит однократно. Глюк начался после добавления полей ФФД 1.05.

ostulov commented 5 years ago

Добрый день!

Расскажите, каким образом клиент подтверждает заказ? Повторные попытки отправки уведомления об успешной оплате Яндекс.Касса делает в случае, если на уведомление от сервера возвращается ответ с кодом HTTP не 200. Проверьте по логам, какой код ответа выдается на уведомление от Яндекс.Кассы. Если это код 500, проверьте по логам ошибок подробности ошибки.

LittleTOXA commented 5 years ago

Клиент проводит оплату прямо в модуле. Вот из debug лог:

} "parameter" : "payment_id" "description" : "Payment not found or forbidden", "code" : "not_found", "id" : "тут был идентификатор платежа", "type" : "error", 2019-04-07T13:33:21+03:00 [info] Response with code 404 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 404","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 243be58f 1 частьподписиудаленоI2AwWlQ==","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"177","Date":"Sun, 07 Apr 2019 10:33:21 GMT","Connection":"close"} and body: { 2019-04-07T13:33:21+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 } "parameter" : "payment_id" "description" : "Payment not found or forbidden", "code" : "not_found", "id" : "тут был идентификатор платежа", "type" : "error", 2019-04-07T13:32:47+03:00 [info] Response with code 404 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 404","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 243be58f 1 частьподписиудаленоI2AwWlQ==","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"177","Date":"Sun, 07 Apr 2019 10:32:47 GMT","Connection":"close"} and body: { 2019-04-07T13:32:47+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 } "parameter" : "payment_id" "description" : "Payment not found or forbidden", "code" : "not_found", "id" : "тут был идентификатор платежа", "type" : "error", 2019-04-07T13:32:25+03:00 [info] Response with code 404 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 404","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 243be58f 1 частьподписиудаленоI2AwWlQ==","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"177","Date":"Sun, 07 Apr 2019 10:32:25 GMT","Connection":"close"} and body: { 2019-04-07T13:32:25+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 } "test" : false },

ostulov commented 5 years ago

Добрый день!

Запросы на адрес /payments/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 и ответ в виде кода 404 являются этапами проверки введенных shopid и секретного ключа на валидность. Для решения проблемы с уведомлениями обновите модуль до последней версии и еще раз проверьте смену статуса заказа.

LittleTOXA commented 4 years ago

Проблема, кстати, так и не решена. Вижу в истории заказа несколько статусов "оплачено". Не понимаю, как поймать.

Screenshot 2020-05-22 at 13 20 52
ostulov commented 4 years ago

Добрый день!

Проверьте по логу модуля, что происходит с получением уведомления по заказам, у которых не сменился статус заказа после оплаты.

LittleTOXA commented 4 years ago

2020-05-19T13:47:19+03:00 [info] Send request: POST /payments with body: {"amount":{"value":"5200.00","currency":"RUB"},"description":"\u041e\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u0437\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430 \u21169295","receipt":{"items":[{"description":"\u0421\u0443\u043f\u0435\u0440VAG (VCDS) 18.90 \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439","amount":{"value":"4900.00","currency":"RUB"},"quantity":1,"vat_code":1,"payment_subject":"commodity","payment_mode":"full_prepayment"},{"description":"\u041f\u043e\u0447\u0442\u0430","amount":{"value":"300.00","currency":"RUB"},"quantity":1,"vat_code":1,"payment_subject":"commodity","payment_mode":"full_prepayment"}],"email":"Moto-partner@yandex.ru"},"confirmation":{"type":"redirect","return_url":"https:\/\/avtoadapter.ru\/checkout\/step7?act=return&js_paymentclass=pm_yandex_money&no_lang=1&order_id=9295"},"metadata":{"order_id":"9295","cms_name":"ya_api_joomshopping","module_version":"1.1.3"},"capture":true,"client_ip":""} with headers: {"Idempotence-Key":"8fbbdb2f-4fe6-43cf-83da-84c9a462f470"} 2020-05-19T13:47:20+03:00 [info] Response with code 200 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 200","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 2655ccf8 1 MGUCMGyvG3mLE4afrgkPLW4Lts70qr7HdI3e0iW89gBVXQ92vTEkwhC7vCYBytxltIhGewIxAIN+BOGpbjvAH3s6XrZP1UhmgsRJkQfkVHSNXpa1oKxu+imbuuesSA\/Fn5oBcK2PHQ==","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"681","Date":"Tue, 19 May 2020 10:47:19 GMT"} and body: { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "pending", "paid" : false, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "confirmation" : { "type" : "redirect", "confirmation_url" : "https://money.yandex.ru/api-pages/v2/payment-confirm/epl?orderId=2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010" }, "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : false, "test" : false } 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [debug] Get URL parameters for payment 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [debug] Order id exists in return url: 9295 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [info] Response with code 200 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 200","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 2655cd4f 1 MGQCME1u6hRbVuVL6ctr0wytTWCfpkmOGdCGvURDqxZsttVYrugTredJeooHPo9i\/ydH2gIwTROLgVLMMtiTl2agwyPT8isQB4jXRl\/FjcqdmJoS5apixgQY5rpf0BGQNJsSL8CI","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"1020","Date":"Tue, 19 May 2020 10:48:46 GMT"} and body: { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "pending", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "pending", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : false, "test" : false } 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [debug] Return url params is: {"order_id":9295,"hash":"","checkHash":0,"checkReturnParams":1} 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [debug] Check transaction for order#9295 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [info] Response with code 200 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 200","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 2655cd4f 1 MGQCMBWqgdSZXy4EvFsT6vY3jkGJq60TUUd7t1BoTBoz4zxTTdjYTDAerMgknqxh2XoaCQIwNOsNBLnf+C1nyYjiza0mUNnhOznvzMRE2XBv2dZomPtjHi6gOGSjvVQUv44OqEpw","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"1020","Date":"Tue, 19 May 2020 10:48:46 GMT"} and body: { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "pending", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "pending", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : false, "test" : false } 2020-05-19T13:48:47+03:00 [debug] Payment 2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010 for order#9295 paid 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [debug] Get URL parameters for payment 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [debug] Notification callback check URL parameters 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [debug] Notification body source: { "type" : "notification", "event" : "payment.succeeded", "object" : { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } } 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [debug] Notify url params is: {"order_id":"9295","hash":"","checkHash":0,"checkReturnParams":1} 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [debug] Notification callback called 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [debug] Notification body: { "type" : "notification", "event" : "payment.succeeded", "object" : { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } } 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010 2020-05-19T13:48:56+03:00 [info] Response with code 200 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 200","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 2655cd58 1 MGQCMG8mLLlYHDFPCdKJbNJxeoexsSBGcRT5dVCPaYOg0UsInA6ePL02u63imJMn4J09PAIwayKBXVmQTrTpMURAlagiYj96UR4hYBkJJWz\/bBEKWhnqtL3gCI2tmfxGumfEgJg4","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"1218","Date":"Tue, 19 May 2020 10:48:56 GMT"} and body: { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "income_amount" : { "value" : "5018.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [debug] Get URL parameters for payment 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [debug] Notification callback check URL parameters 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [debug] Notification body source: { "type" : "notification", "event" : "payment.succeeded", "object" : { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } } 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [debug] Notify url params is: {"order_id":"9295","hash":"","checkHash":0,"checkReturnParams":1} 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [debug] Notification callback called 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [debug] Notification body: { "type" : "notification", "event" : "payment.succeeded", "object" : { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } } 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010 2020-05-19T13:49:07+03:00 [info] Response with code 200 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 200","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 2655cd63 1 MGQCMA5NF+eFGKsUK9u7BVS1+iH6b0J4llg8Ub4znz4vvT6mf4GlXyy6G4CrSI\/obZNmEwIwVn7ZZqAPo9lrFFzS+1olibv\/eGkHj5XNNi5V7obtVe9Om8M8IHatK2RBDp8kckff","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"1218","Date":"Tue, 19 May 2020 10:49:07 GMT"} and body: { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "income_amount" : { "value" : "5018.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } 2020-05-19T13:49:50+03:00 [debug] Get URL parameters for payment 2020-05-19T13:49:50+03:00 [debug] Notification callback check URL parameters 2020-05-19T13:49:50+03:00 [debug] Notification body source: { "type" : "notification", "event" : "payment.succeeded", "object" : { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } } 2020-05-19T13:49:50+03:00 [debug] Notify url params is: {"order_id":"9295","hash":"","checkHash":0,"checkReturnParams":1} 2020-05-19T13:49:50+03:00 [debug] 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"refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [debug] Get URL parameters for payment 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [debug] Notification callback check URL parameters 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [debug] Notification body source: { "type" : "notification", "event" : "payment.succeeded", "object" : { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } } 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [debug] Notify url params is: {"order_id":"9295","hash":"","checkHash":0,"checkReturnParams":1} 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [debug] Notification callback called 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [debug] Notification body: { "type" : "notification", "event" : "payment.succeeded", "object" : { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false } } 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [info] Send request: GET /payments/2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010 2020-05-19T15:34:54+03:00 [info] Response with code 200 received with headers: {"0":"HTTP\/1.1 200","Keep-Alive":"timeout=10000, max=100","Signature":"v1 2655e62e 1 MGQCMCu7U1lgIUNrxU2KUeNsteE8CKt26VY1AoKo8n0FD1faIvO3IfzwvkJzgZsgGSc4OAIwVSM5Pi2DO5loXuD7iOQ142s8Dg4LA+epPlrJA8kIOVdjG9zY7ICgPofWv3baefoW","Content-Type":"application\/json;charset=UTF-8","Content-Length":"1218","Date":"Tue, 19 May 2020 12:34:54 GMT"} and body: { "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "status" : "succeeded", "paid" : true, "amount" : { "value" : "5200.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "authorization_details" : { "rrn" : "014010547549", "auth_code" : "294563" }, "captured_at" : "2020-05-19T10:48:55.207Z", "created_at" : "2020-05-19T10:47:20.320Z", "description" : "Оплата заказа №9295", "income_amount" : { "value" : "5018.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "metadata" : { "module_version" : "1.1.3", "order_id" : "9295", "cms_name" : "ya_api_joomshopping" }, "payment_method" : { "type" : "bank_card", "id" : "2655ccf8-000f-5000-9000-16171f307010", "saved" : false, "card" : { "first6" : "427622", "last4" : "6630", "expiry_month" : "10", "expiry_year" : "2022", "card_type" : "Visa", "issuer_country" : "RU", "issuer_name" : "Sberbank Of Russia" }, "title" : "Bank card *6630" }, "receipt_registration" : "succeeded", "recipient" : { "account_id" : "197810", "gateway_id" : "530241" }, "refundable" : true, "refunded_amount" : { "value" : "0.00", "currency" : "RUB" }, "test" : false }

LittleTOXA commented 4 years ago

Обнаружена странность. В админке Joomshopping и в интерфейсе kassa.yandex.ru номера заказов не совпадают. Может, проблема как раз оттуда?

ostulov commented 4 years ago

Повторные уведомления об оплате отправляются в случае, когда сайт на уведомлением не отвечает кодом 200. Проверьте по логу ошибок сервера, почему на уведомление об оплате сайт отвечал кодом 500.

Для решения проблемы с номерами заказов нужно больше подробностей. Пришлите, пожалуйста, информацию на почту cms@yamoney.ru

LittleTOXA commented 4 years ago

Надо сказать, что кода 500 во время отправок дублей "оплачено" не было ни разу.

В другое время нашёл несколько раз, но как понять причину?

[22/May/2020:10:59:30 +0300] "POST /index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=notify&js_paymentclass=pm_yandex_money&no_lang=1&Itemid=164 HTTP/1.1" 500 2093 "-" "AHC/2.1" 674535 63333:89999 [22/May/2020:10:59:41 +0300] "POST /index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=notify&js_paymentclass=pm_yandex_money&no_lang=1&Itemid=164 HTTP/1.1" 500 2093 "-" "AHC/2.1" 433845 59999:69999

ostulov commented 4 years ago

Вы точно смотрите лог ошибок, а не лог доступа? Проверьте, что на сайте включен расширенный показ сообщений об ошибках.