Hi @yoonkim Recently, I am reading dennybritz/cnn-text-classification-tf implementation based on your original code I found there some regrex pattern in the function clean_str(string)such as
when program find this kind of patterns, it just replaces found pattern with the same thing from my viewpoint.
So my question is that whats the purpose of those re.sub code. Im confused. Could u give me some clues? Thx a lot ; )
Hi @yoonkim Recently, I am reading dennybritz/cnn-text-classification-tf implementation based on your original code I found there some regrex pattern in the function clean_str(string)such as
when program find this kind of patterns, it just replaces found pattern with the same thing from my viewpoint. So my question is that what
s the purpose of those re.sub code. I
m confused. Could u give me some clues? Thx a lot ; )