yoonsucho / CAMERA

Mendelian Randomization approach using Cross Ancestral Model
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Add a function that displays the degree of agreement in instrument associations #2

Open explodecomputer opened 3 years ago

explodecomputer commented 3 years ago

Add a function that displays the degree of agreement in instrument associations between populations - if they really disagree then issue a warning that it might be unreliable

Note will need to do the same for the outcomes

yoonsucho commented 3 years ago

New function instrument_check() is added

yoonsucho commented 3 years ago

The users can choose an option to normalise the beta and se when the units are different: extract_outcome_data(exp=x$instrument_raw, standardise=FALSE, p_exp=1)

yoonsucho commented 3 years ago

Employing POPCORN to present genetic correlation of the phenotypes?