yorickpeterse / nvim-tree-pairs

NeoVim plugin for jumping to the other end of the current Tree-sitter node
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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crushes netrw % mapping #3

Closed mbriggs closed 3 weeks ago

mbriggs commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for this plugin, i use matchit all the time and love treesitter 🙏

One issue I ran into is that the way the mappings are done, % (make new file in current dir) gets crushed in netrw buffers. I haven't had the chance to look at the implementation (im about a week away from a big move), but as an avid matchit user I have never had the desire to invoke it in netrw, so if you have some way to just bail on ft netrw that would probably be completely fine.

mbriggs commented 3 weeks ago

works, thank you!