yorikvanhavre / BIM_Workbench

A BIM Workbench for FreeCAD
363 stars 77 forks source link

Symbols like 2D persons a la sketchup, plants and trees, parking slots... #15

Closed yorikvanhavre closed 2 years ago

yorikvanhavre commented 5 years ago

The title says it all. Sketchup has it, bricscad shape has it, we must have it!

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

Done with https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-library/commit/45c8caa0cbe18c5e2c29d52805c2891df7dbba59 and https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-library/commit/45c8caa0cbe18c5e2c29d52805c2891df7dbba59