yorikvanhavre / WebTools

A series of tools to communicate with web services from within FreeCAD
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Support for GrabCad #12

Open leoheck opened 4 years ago

leoheck commented 4 years ago

Hello, your plugin is pretty interesting, thank you for that.

What do you think to start adding support to GrabCad? It looks like a promising/free way to manage versions, better than with GiHub. It does not support FreeCad (considering visualization inside the platform yet). But it can be used for step, stl, and other tools.

That being said, something that supports the platform can be really interesting to have.

yorikvanhavre commented 4 years ago

That would be good, grabcad is one of the best repos out there for solid-based models.. did you see if they have an api we could use?

leoheck commented 4 years ago

I started using it some days ago to collaborate with others around the world, and it is looking a pretty nice tool for me. I also don't want to replace Freecad. So, why not to give a push towards this integration, right?

Well, right now I don't know about any API, but since the website is big it should have one. If i find something I will bring it here. Cool?

leoheck commented 4 years ago

Voce é Brasileiro? Vi que é de ou está em São Paulo.

yorikvanhavre commented 4 years ago

(Não sou brasileiro, mas morei uns 20 anos no Brasil, é minha segunda pátria! no momento moro na Bélgica. Vou continuar em inglês para outras pessoas poderem entender tb) I had a look and didn't find anything about API on the grabcad website... But they seem to have integration plugins for other CAD platforms, so it should also be possible to build one for FreeCAD. And they like FreeCAD, they were one of the first websites to support it... Maybe we should find someone at grabcad to discuss this.

leoheck commented 4 years ago

@yorikvanhavre legal.

Alright, I got an answer interesting answer from GrabCad

Owen replied May 26, 4:23pm

Hello Leandro,Thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry to say, but we do not have a public API available at the moment, but that may change in the future. Stay tuned! But my apologies in the meantime, I wish I could be of more immediate assistance. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to help.

And they like FreeCAD, they were one of the first websites to support it.

I don't think so. Their system can't visualize the files. This is the first thing I think when talking about integration. Which kind of integration they have with Freecad?

yorikvanhavre commented 4 years ago

Okay, then I guess we're in for waiting! :) If you work further with the grabcad platform, and think of any way we could do something on our side without the need for grabcad people to do anything, tell me!

leoheck commented 4 years ago

I found this now... do you know if it is possible to get something usefull from this url?


Ref https://grabcad.com/questions/cannot-connect-to-grabcad-error

yorikvanhavre commented 4 years ago

Hmm they seem to have an API indeed, but if you go to it in a browser you see it is not accessible by the public. Probably it is only for their internal use. There is not much else we can do than waiting for them to allow it, I guess... Maybe if we want specifically to develop a FreeCAD plugin for grabcad, we could interest them? Since you already have a contact at grabcad, could you maybe ask them a contact of someone with who we could discuss that?

leoheck commented 4 years ago

I don't have any contact inside. What I did was to ask for an API through their help system or forum or something like that. I am not finding their email to remember if I told them we were thinking to start a plugin for Freecad. I will resend a message saying this explicitly. Maybe they can give us a better answer this time. Let's see.