yorkie / react-native-wechat

🚀 WeChat login, share, favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms (QQ: 336021910)
MIT License
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sendAuthRequest #256

Open zhaofang opened 7 years ago

zhaofang commented 7 years ago

sendAuthRequest,android return errcode=-6

baidan4855 commented 7 years ago

i got same WechatError

mieszko4 commented 7 years ago

I had this problem on android and I made the error disappear and now log in with wechat works for me:

  1. while on your mobile, go to http://open.wechat.com/cgi-bin/newreadtemplate?t=overseas_open/docs/mobile/downloads#mobile_downloads
  2. download and install Signature Generation Tool (https://res.wx.qq.com/open/zh_CN/htmledition/res/dev/download/sdk/Gen_Signature_Android2.apk)
  3. Enter android package name and generate the signature
  4. Update the signature using wechat admin (field 应用签名 of android)
MichaelIT commented 7 years ago

@mieszko4 image It did not work for me😢 . but sendAuthRequest work on iOS.

mieszko4 commented 7 years ago

It also does not work for me unless deployed. Try with release version react-native run-android --variant=release or with app downloaded from play store.

MichaelIT commented 7 years ago

@mieszko4 I flow https://github.com/yorkie/react-native-wechat/issues/259. Just reinstall wechat app, it work!!! 😂

Alvin365 commented 6 years ago

@mieszko4 @MichaelIT I got same error in debug-mode,but it's ok in release

peica commented 6 years ago

要删微信+release build才可以。

yazhengwang commented 5 years ago
