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Clear command does not follow same convention as other commands #11

Open yorklim opened 2 months ago

yorklim commented 2 months ago

If the user wanted to use the clear command, since the rest of the command follow a "/command" convention, they might think to use use "/clear" but instead it is "clear" which may confuse the user. The commands should all follow the same convention.



nus-se-script commented 2 months ago

Team's Response

As it is. There should not be a '/'. It is not a bug/flaw but how it was intended to be.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: Team did not explain the purpose behind not including "/" for the clear command while all the other commands within the application have a "/" before them. This was reported as a feature flaw and not a functionality bug, thus it has nothing to do with whether it was intended or not