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Inconsistent DG sequence diagrams #13

Open yorklim opened 2 months ago

yorklim commented 2 months ago



In some of sequence diagrams (Add student, Add class, Add team), once the parser has finished their job, it should be removed and the object should be deleted like shown in the rest of the sequence diagrams, however this is not the case for the stated features

nus-se-bot commented 2 months ago

Team's Response

Lag in PUML Diagram, both addclass and deleteclass puml code has deactivate addclasscommandparser and deleteclasscommandparser but not shown on diagram for addclasscommandparser.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: Team should check if PUML diagrams are rendered properly before submission of DG. The reason given that there was a lag does not justify the bug. Furthermore, to delete an object within the PUML diagram, the command word used is destroy and not deactivate, deactivate ends the activity bar of the object, thus reason given that this was caused by lag is invalid.

## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.VeryLow`] Originally [`severity.Low`] - [x] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** UML notation errors (e.g., using dashed line where a solid line should be used): When deciding the severity, consider how much the notation error hinders the reader, but also keep in mind that notation errors hurt the credibility of the diagram (i.e., if even the notation is incorrect, how much can be trust this diagram 🤔?). The latter pushes up the severity further than otherwise. So, the severity can be Low or higher.