yoshall / GeoMAN

Tensorflow Implementation of GeoMAN, IJCAI-18
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Meanings about local state, global inputs, global state #4

Open LeiBAI opened 5 years ago

LeiBAI commented 5 years ago

Hi yoshall,

Thanks for you contribution. I have some question about the code and work. I hope you could give me a hand.

Part 1: According to the sample_data, I think there are 35 nodes, each node generate 19 time series. However, I am a little confusing about the meaning of all input files:

  1. I notice that the code reads 7 files and process them to generate inputs for training. While the mearning for local_inputs, external_inputs and decoder_gts are obvious, I don't know what is global_atten_state and local_atten_state, why not generate them from raw data (for example, local inputs and global inputs)?
  2. What is global_inputs.npy? Why it's shape is 500*35?
  3. Is global_attn_state_indics the same as global_inputs_indics? I noticed that in get_batch_feed_dict() function, train_global_inp = training_data[1] which in fact is global_attn_index.

Part 2: Besides I think the model generate prediction for each node separately. Do you train the model for each node separately or train a unified model?

Part 3: a suggestion: I hope you could add some explanation to the input files as they are different to raw inputs and maybe also publish the code process your raw data (http://urban-computing.com/data/Data-1.zip).

Looking forward to your answer and thanks for you patient.

CastleLiang commented 5 years ago

Hi LeiBAI,

Since I have answered the same question from a phd student, I will simply copy the answer as follows (if you are not proficient in Chinese, I will refine the answer into English, sorry about that):

For Q1 and Q2:

  1. 首先,要说明这些输入量分别代表的什么,这个我在代码当中都有注释。global input和global attn state都是global spatial attention的输入,代表论文中方程3和4之间那个无标号的方程中的变量。Global input的第一个维度不是batch_size, 而是时间,他是一个全局的概念。比如在我们的代码当中,global input的维度是(28752, 35),第一个维度是时间有28752片(3年多),第二个维度是35个sensor。因为我们的数据暂时还是不能release,如果我给出所有的global input,数据就会全部泄露。在你看到的sample_data当中,我只给出了前500个时间片的数据,这也是导致数据越界的原因。
  2. 其次,我们为什么要定义一个global_input和global_attn。你会发现针对train, validation和test set的global input那些都是一样的。为每个样本都存储一个global_input和global_attn是比较占用空间的,所以我们使用了一个全局索引的方法去节省空间。
  3. global_inputs[j: j + n_steps_encoder, :] (165行),其中j的值是取的global_attn_index(这里应该是global_input_index)。为什么取global_inputs的值时是[j : j +n_steps_encoder]?结合2当中我所写的,对于每一个sample来说,因为我的encoder length是12,我只要使用Index去全局的global input里头去索引那12片的target series数据即可。

For Q3: A nice suggestion. Since I am no longer in my previous company, I will ask my colleagues for help to publish the codes.

Thanks for your above questions!

LeiBAI commented 5 years ago

@CastleLiang Hi Yuxuan,

Thanks for you patient. According to your reply and my understanding, I got following conclusion:

SO I think only global_attn_state.npy is enough for the input. All others can be generated by this file.

Is my above understanding correct?

Thanks again. Lei

mapleyuen96 commented 5 years ago

@LeiBAI Hi LeiBAI I have also spent some time studying this project.Your words help me a lot.Thank you very much. But I still wonder the process to the raw data.As the sample_data show,each sensor has provided 19 attributes.So what are these 19 attributes in the raw data (http://urban-computing.com/data/Data-1.zip)? And how to deal with these raw data?If you have some ideas,please help me. Looking forward to your replying anda thank you again! Maple