yoshiharuyamashita / blackburn

A Hugo theme built using Yahoo's Pure CSS
MIT License
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hugo v0.32.4 works fine serving /post/ directory, not v0.35, not v0.36 #65

Closed nonumeros closed 6 years ago

nonumeros commented 6 years ago

Yoshiharu, can you check https://nonumeros.github.io

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below

nonumeros commented 6 years ago

Let's assume v0.36 is running. If you were to rename li.html to list.html on `/layouts/_default/ directory, then at least the links show. Furthermore if you were to replace the contents of that file for say

 <li class="posts">
 {{ range .Data.Pages -}}
     <span><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a> <a class="pure-menu-has-children">{{ .Date.Format "Mon, Jan 2, 2006" }}</a></span>
 {{- end }}

things get better. But I wouldn't know what to do from there

yoshiharuyamashita commented 6 years ago

Hi @nonumeros

I can reproduce the problem at my end. I'm not sure what's going on but will take a look at it as soon as I can.

HEDAS commented 6 years ago

I meet the same problem. This problem also appears in the demo site.

nonumeros commented 6 years ago

@yoshiharuyamashita appreciate it. @HEDAS thanks for confirming it.

Your can reproduce the same problem with https://github.com/tummychow/lanyon-hugo

And if a new site is created with v0.36 and then generate it with v0.32.4 - one ends up with <meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.36" /> on root while the <meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.32.4" /> is on /post/

I guess the above is to be expected, but somehow is not quite 'right'. For the simple reason that if one were to create the site with v0.36 and then generate the site with v0.32.4 everything looks 'right' on the outside, including the /post/ directory.

For further cross references check https://nonumeross.github.io (that's two s )

root is 0.36 post is 0.32.4

Sorry, I take that back. Site was created with 0.32.4 and then generated with 0.36, but either way, thats something that ( I guess ) hugo devs need to figure out

nonumeros commented 6 years ago

I'm closing the issue. Some of the contributors at the Hugo community do not offer constructive solutions and/or helpful feedback to the problem.

jaketothepast commented 6 years ago

@nonumeros @yoshiharuyamashita Not sure how much investigating has been done but it looks like when hugo builds the site index.html never gets generated. Looking into it currently. I too am having the /post/ serving issue

jaketothepast commented 6 years ago

Found the issue guys, here, in the notes section for release 0.33: https://gohugo.io/news/0.33-relnotes/. They removed indexes from the template lookup system, so layouts/indexes/post was never getting rendered. I am able to fix this issue by moving the post.html template into the post directory, unless there is a better place for it. I will submit a PR as well.

nonumeros commented 6 years ago

@jaketothepast awesome job.

If you can initialize a pull request also for https://github.com/tummychow/lanyon-hugo some of the folks using it, will appreciate it. Briefly testing that theme with the v0.37-dev looks as if - based on your research - a post directory would have to be created with the post.html file from indexes directory, moved into it.

jaketothepast commented 6 years ago

Thank you! And sure will do. Also for reference I tested my pull request to this repository with Hugo v0.36 on Windows. #66

jaketothepast commented 6 years ago

until @yoshiharuyamashita merges this feel free to use my fork: https://github.com/jaketothepast/blackburn

parthpunkster commented 5 years ago

I am still facing this issue, is the issue resolved?

nonumeros commented 5 years ago

Yes with https://github.com/yoshiharuyamashita/blackburn/commit/579beef9efded29b6cb83eda74ff98a82ba9ce0c

If you're referring to your hugo site... It seems you removed post.html from the layouts/post directory at https://github.com/parthpunkster/parthpunkster-hugo/tree/master/themes/blackburn/layouts/post