I love the blackburn theme! thank you for making it. I've been trying to figure out a way for the RSS link on the sidebar from the homepage to display properly. I found some xml code from another blackburn user and plugged it in to layouts/ and it worked locally but when I pushed it to github and netlify it fell back to unformatted. I notice that even on your own site it isn't styled. Anyone know a way to make the styling stick for that RSS tab?
I love the blackburn theme! thank you for making it. I've been trying to figure out a way for the RSS link on the sidebar from the homepage to display properly. I found some xml code from another blackburn user and plugged it in to layouts/ and it worked locally but when I pushed it to github and netlify it fell back to unformatted. I notice that even on your own site it isn't styled. Anyone know a way to make the styling stick for that RSS tab?
Thank you!