yoshisuga / MAME4iOS

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
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Install a subset (or all) Software Lists? #342

Closed ToddLa closed 2 years ago

ToddLa commented 3 years ago

MAME 2xx has 100MB+ of Software List XML files. These files tell MAME what software (ie cartridge) a machine can run.

MAME4iOS lets you install the XML files you are going to use.

should we pre-bundle in a few of the "important" ones, to make life easier??

ToddLa commented 3 years ago

The following machines dont need any ROMs installed for software to run.


    "1292 Advanced Programmable Video System (1292apvs)",
    "1392 Advanced Programmable Video System (1392apvs)",
    "Advision Home Arcade (advsnha)",
    "Amstrad CPC464+ (cpc464p)",
    "Amstrad CPC6128+ (cpc6128p)",
    "Amstrad GX4000 (gx4000)",
    "Arcadia (Bandai) (bndarc)",
    "Arcadia 2001 (arcadia)",
    "Atari 2600 (NTSC) (a2600)",
    "Atari 2600 (PAL) (a2600p)",
    "Auto Response Board (arb)",
    "CX 3000 Tele Computer (cx3000tc)",
    "Casio ROM Pack Software List holder (casiorom)",
    "Dendy Classic 1 (dendy)",
    "Dendy Classic 2 (dendy2)",
    "Dynavision (dynavisn)",
    "Ekusera (ekusera)",
    "Famicom (famicom)",
    "Famicom (w/ Disk System add-on) (fds)",
    "Fountain 1392 (f1392)",
    "Fountain Force 2 (fforce2)",
    "Genesis (USA, NTSC) (genesis)",
    "Genesis Nomad (USA Genesis handheld) (gen_nomd)",
    "GoGo TV Video Vision (tvgogo)",
    "Golden China TV Game (gchinatv)",
    "Great Game Machine (ggm)",
    "HMG 1292 (hmg1292)",
    "HMG 1392 (hmg1392)",
    "HMG-2650 (hmg2650)",
    "Hanimex Home Arcade Centre (hanihac)",
    "I Can Play Guitar (icanguit)",
    "I Can Play Piano (icanpian)",
    "IQ-501 (iq501)",
    "IQ-502 (iq502)",
    "ITMC MPT-03 (itmcmtp3)",
    "InnoTV (innotv)",
    "Intellect-02 (intel02)",
    "Intelligent Game MPT-03 (intmpt03)",
    "Intercord XL 2000 System (ixl2000)",
    "Interton Electronic VC 4000 (vc4000)",
    "Intervision 2001 (intervsn)",
    "Lansay 1392 (lnsy1392)",
    "Leisure-Vision (lvision)",
    "Leonardo (GiG Electronics) (giglnrdo)",
    "MPT-05 (mpt05)",
    "MPU-1000 (mpu1000)",
    "MPU-2000 (mpu2000)",
    "Mark III (sg1000m3)",
    "Mega Drive (Europe, PAL) (megadriv)",
    "Mega Drive (Japan, NTSC) (megadrij)",
    "Mega Duck / Cougar Boy (megaduck)",
    "Mega Jet (Japan Mega Drive handheld) (megajet)",
    "Microvision (microvsn)",
    "Monon Color (mononcol)",
    "Mr. Altus Tele Brain (mratlus)",
    "My Vision (KH-1000) (myvision)",
    "Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) (nespal)",
    "Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom (NTSC) (nes)",
    "OC Jeu Video TV Karvan (krvnjvtv)",
    "OC-2000 (oc2000)",
    "Ormatu 2001 (ormatu)",
    "PC Engine (pce)",
    "PP-1292 Advanced Programmable Video System (pp1292)",
    "PP-1392 Advanced Programmable Video System (pp1392)",
    "PV-1000 (pv1000)",
    "Palladium Video-Computer-Game (plldium)",
    "PasoGo (pasogo)",
    "Pico (Europe, PAL) (pico)",
    "Pico (Japan, NTSC) (picoj)",
    "Pico (USA, NTSC) (picou)",
    "Pocket Challenge W (Japan) (pockchal)",
    "Polybrain Video Computer Game (polyvcg)",
    "Poppy MPT-03 Tele Computer Spiel (poppympt)",
    "Prestige Video Computer Game MPT-03 (prestmpt)",
    "Rowtron 2000 (rowtrn2k)",
    "Rowtron Television Computer System (rwtrntcs)",
    "SB-486 (sb486)",
    "SC-3000 (sc3000)",
    "SC-3000H (sc3000h)",
    "SG-1000 (sg1000)",
    "SG-1000 II (sg1000m2)",
    "Sawatte (sawatte)",
    "Schmid TVG 2000 (tvg2000)",
    "Select-A-Game Machine (sag)",
    "Sensory Chess Challenger \"6\" (fscc6)",
    "Sheen Home Video Centre 2001 (sheenhvc)",
    "Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), 'Baby' (ssem)",
    "SmarTV Adventures (smartvad)",
    "Soundic MPT-03 (soundic)",
    "Super A'Can (supracan)",
    "Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) (snespal)",
    "Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom (NTSC) (snes)",
    "Super Play Computer 4000 (spc4000)",
    "Super Vision (NTSC TV Link Colored) (svisionn)",
    "Super Vision (PAL TV Link Colored) (svisionp)",
    "Super Vision (PeT Communication Simulation) (svisions)",
    "Super Vision (svision)",
    "Super Vision 8000 (TV Jack 8000) (sv8000)",
    "SuperGrafx (sgx)",
    "TV Link PAL (tvlinkp)",
    "TVC-4000 (tvc4000)",
    "Tele-Computer Cosmos (tccosmos)",
    "Tele-Fever (telefevr)",
    "Teleng Television Computer System (telngtcs)",
    "Telestory (telestry)",
    "Tempest MPT-03 (tempestm)",
    "Tobby MPT-03 (tbbympt3)",
    "Trakton Computer Video Game (trakcvg)",
    "Tryom Video Game Center (tryomvgc)",
    "Tunix Home Arcade (tunixha)",
    "TurboGrafx 16 (tg16)",
    "UVI Compu-Game (orbituvi)",
    "Uzebox (uzebox)",
    "VC 6000 (vc6000)",
    "VGM player (vgmplay)",
    "Video Computer H-21 (h21)",
    "Video Master (vdmaster)",
    "Videomaster Database Games-Computer (vmdtbase)",
    "Virtual Boy (vboy)",
    "Voltmace Database (database)",
    "Yamaha Mixt Book Player Copera (copera)"
ToddLa commented 3 years ago

Maybe include this set of software lists??

    "Atari 2600 (NTSC) (a2600)",
    "Atari 2600 (PAL) (a2600p)",
    "Famicom (famicom)",
    "Famicom (w/ Disk System add-on) (fds)",
    "Genesis (USA, NTSC) (genesis)",
    "Mega Drive (Europe, PAL) (megadriv)",
    "Mega Drive (Japan, NTSC) (megadrij)",
    "Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) (nespal)",
    "Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom (NTSC) (nes)",
    "Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) (snespal)",
    "Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom (NTSC) (snes)",
    "Virtual Boy (vboy)",
ToddLa commented 3 years ago


ToddLa commented 3 years ago

the MAME software list change every release, we should just build them in.

all the software list XMLs are about 100MB! but compressed they are about 18MB.

need to investigate more.

ToddLa commented 3 years ago

the hash folder in MAME is 100MB and is needed to run software based romsets, is taking 100MB more diskspace on the iOS device worth having them all installed??

ToddLa commented 3 years ago

I am pretty sure we can keep all the software list XML files in a zip file, even on the device. that is 18MB vs 100MB. I will give that a try.

ToddLa commented 3 years ago

Having all Software Lists in hash.zip works just fine, PR soon

ToddLa commented 2 years ago

2021.8 builds all software lists into the app, no need to import XML files, they are ll there...