yoshisuga / MAME4iOS

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
635 stars 103 forks source link

TVAlertViewController is sooooooooooo UGLY! #376

Closed imatrixme closed 2 years ago

imatrixme commented 2 years ago

The latest version of MAME4iOS imported new alert component named TVAlertViewController, but its' style is so ugly, please change its style or remove it.

ToddLa commented 2 years ago

We need a UX dialog that can be driven via a game controller and not take up whole screen on tvOS.

It is not ugly, the only thing that may be jarring is the blue (aka focus color) border when it has focus. I was not a fan of that either....

yoshisuga commented 2 years ago

Please suggest concrete improvements and/or constructive feedback. Closing.