yoshisuga / MAME4iOS

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
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Support entering and saving command line arguments #382

Closed yoshisuga closed 2 years ago

yoshisuga commented 2 years ago

After I made this change, I realized I can adjust those command line options I was interested in in the MAME UI menu. But still, might be useful to have?

ToddLa commented 2 years ago

Replacing UX that is in the MAMEUI is always a good thing (ie goal).

For example MAME4iOS should have a native UX for button mapping, even tho you can do it in MAMEUI

ToddLa commented 2 years ago

Changes look good, I get what you are doing with the "helper class"

yoshisuga commented 2 years ago

Changes look good, I get what you are doing with the "helper class"

  • Need to remove the Info.plist and scheme from the PR, they look accidental.
  • need a way to remove custom cmd line keys from UserDefaults when game is deleted or reset. But this can be done later.

Reverted those unintended Xcode project/scheme file changes, and added support for deleting from UserDefaults.