yoshisuga / MAME4iOS

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
635 stars 103 forks source link

I need a 64 bit version of MAME4iOS that still had the wiimote option in BTStack #413

Open Thekidiacs opened 1 year ago

Thekidiacs commented 1 year ago

I am trying to add wiimote support for later iOSes. It is critical that I can get this version. Compiling the original seleuco version was an absolute nightmare and I couldn't do it. Please if someone could provide me the deb for it I would be so grateful. Thanks.

Thekidiacs commented 1 year ago

@ToddLa @yoshisuga

ToddLa commented 1 year ago

The WiMote required a jailbroken device and a hacked BTStack.

Your best plan is to build the mame4all project.

Thekidiacs commented 1 year ago

Yes, I have multiple jailbroken devices on multiple iOSes for testing. Does the old versions of this repository from yoshisuga have the old btstack code with wiimote support from earlier commits like from 2016-2017?

Alexck002 commented 1 year ago


Which .deb file are you requiring? Btw that old version should be the one from 2013