yoshisuga / MAME4iOS

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
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netplay #432

Closed LiuSky closed 1 year ago

LiuSky commented 1 year ago

0.250 Is there any consideration for writing network battles @ToddLa

eduo commented 1 year ago

Netplay was added in 2013 and removed in 2021. Not sure if to be refactored or definitively.

LiuSky commented 1 year ago

2013 netplay。Frames are out of sync @eduo

ToddLa commented 1 year ago

Yea netplay was removed when we switched to the modern MAME core. It is not supported anymore.

LiuSky commented 1 year ago

So there won't be any more support for netplay? @ToddLa

ToddLa commented 1 year ago


LiuSky commented 1 year ago

Ok, thank you @ToddLa

LiuSky commented 1 year ago

I recently found a such netplay (https://github.com/AlexanderDzhoganov/mame-netplay), you can combine it to https://github.com/ToddLa/mame? thank you @ToddLa

ToddLa commented 1 year ago

Considering the last change to that project was 4yrs ago, no.

LiuSky commented 1 year ago

I'd like to pay you to help me build a netplay. The amount could be $1,000 or $2,000. I wonder if you could help me @ToddLa

LiuSky commented 1 year ago

I tried to send you an email, but you didn't reply. @ToddLa

ToddLa commented 1 year ago

NetPlay was removed in MAME4iOS 2021.6

So download 2021.5 (or 2021.4 etc) if you want NetPlay

FYI these versions are only MAME 139