yoshisuga / MAME4iOS

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
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Crackling sound (Hz issue) in DK and Defender #441

Open vurt72 opened 1 year ago

vurt72 commented 1 year ago

I've noticed that in both Defender and Donkey Kong there's a crackling sound which is quite constant, very annoying. You can get around this crackling by changing Screen Refresh rate to 55Hz, if over that the crackling is there. This works for both games, probably others too.

I do wish it would save this setting, because each time you start the games you have to go into Slider Controls and change this, it does seem to save all other settings.

This is on an ipad gen 3. Very surprised of how well all games runs on this old 32bit hardware btw. haven't seen any 90's game run below 60 FPS..

ToddLa commented 1 year ago

You are running a old version of M4i the current version is 64bit and does not have a refresh rate setting anymore.

vurt72 commented 1 year ago

You are running a old version of M4i the current version is 64bit and does not have a refresh rate setting anymore.

This is the one i am running: MAME4iOS-2022.5-250.ipa. If there's a new one i'd love a link to it.

I read the info (inside the app) and it says its 64 bit there, no idea if that's the case because again, i'm using it on my ipad 3.