yoshiyoshyosh / goldberries

goldberries.net v5
6 stars 5 forks source link

Rules & FAQ Catchall #127

Open viddie opened 2 weeks ago

viddie commented 2 weeks ago

this issue serves as catch-all issue for changes & mistakes in the Rules or FAQ pages that need to be updated.

viddie commented 2 weeks ago

~~rule for pause buffering change, proposed by undefined: Submissions must not abuse the use of pause buffering to a degree that trivializes the difficulty of the challenge. Pause buffering can make tight inputs in a map extremely easy, and heavy use of it is grounds for rejection. Pausing during a golden is allowed if it doesn't make gameplay easier; such as if you are attempting a new save blind or taking a break. However, pause buffering done similarly to this(link to atone the flower golden) is grounds for rejection. Runs which use a non-rejectable amount of pause buffering will have a note placed on them.~~

viddie commented 2 weeks ago

~~rule to restrict maps to not contain gameplay of a non-celeste game. it sounds silly to even type this out but AAAAAAAAAAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn_hUzRPyZk https://goldberries.net/submission/46032~~

viddie commented 1 week ago


viddie commented 6 days ago

Add rule against NSFW content in submissions