Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Hi there- thanks fer the feedback!
>>> Apparently, there is intensive "caching" going on on the local disk. This
happens at around 10MB/s. When that is done, the actual reading takes
place at 60+MB/s.
Indeed- when you do "wc -l /s3/kettle/customers-25M.txt" this is what s3fs does:
* open() is called
* s3fs unconditionally downloads entire file to local tmp file
* open() returns back to caller
* one or more read() calls in "chunks"/ranges with a start/offset
* s3fs fields each read() call from that local tmp file
"Apparently, there is intensive "caching" going on on the local disk."
That is the part where s3fs is downloading the entire file to local tmp file in
open() before returning to caller
"When that is done, the actual reading takes place at 60+MB/s."
That is because s3fs is fielding all read() requests from local tmp file
So, ya, that all makes sense...
"It would be nice if you could find a way to disable this disk-based caching
system altogether."
[that is *not* a reference to "use_cache"]
Yes- I think the use of HTTP partial/range GET would work here; I was actually
thinking about adding this yesterday!
This would allow a client that is only interested in a small portion of the
file to
*not* have to pay the penalty of waiting to download the entire file just to
read a
few bytes (e.g., say a header/signature or something)
Also, note that this is largely unrelated to "use_cache" option.
Let me put some thought into how to implement this.., "use of HTTP
partial/range GET"...
Original comment by
on 5 Apr 2008 at 4:54
rrizun, you understood me perfectly, it is indeed not a reference to the
option. I would add one option to enable/disable local
(enabled by default) of the files and one to specify the size of the cache to
If you do happen to make that option available, ping me and I'll test it
away :-)
Original comment by
on 5 Apr 2008 at 6:18
More testing and benchmarking fun...
Parallel read test : 2 slave servers, 2 steps reading
On local filesystem: /tmp/
Slave1 : (0-1307280984)
- start : 12:26:39,085 (CSV Starting to run)
- end : 12:31:29,358 (Dummy finished)
Slave2 : (1307280985-2614561969)
- start : 12:26:39,157 (CSV Starting to run)
- end : 12:32:45,503 (Dummy finished)
Transformation runtime : 12:26:39.085 - 12:32:45.503 = 6 minutes 5.582 seconds =
365.582 seconds
On s3fs filesystem: /bigone/
Slave1 : (0-1307280984)
- start : 12:37:19,333 (CSV Starting to run)
- header: 12:41:28,288 (Header row skipped)
- end : 12:44:08,159 (Dummy finished)
Slave2 : (1307280985-2614561969)
- start : 12:37:19,437 (CSV Starting to run)
- header: 12:42:27,335 (CSV first feedback)
- end : 12:45:15,133 (Dummy finished)
Transformation runtime : 12:37:19,333 - 12:45:15,133 = 7 minutes 55.800
seconds =
475.800 seconds
However, copying the file to local disk takes : 12:37:19,333 - 12:41:28,288 = 4
minutes 9 seconds.
As such, there is a huge performance gain to be had when we could read and
directly on S3 data in stead of using locally copied data.
There is a speedup by adding more copies to the cluster. As such, we could
conceivably launch 10 EC2 systems.
Let's see where that would bring us.
The speed of the copy would most likely still be around 4 minutes because that
operation is limited to the speed of the local disk.
Copying a 2.4GB file in 4 minutes equates to 10MB/s write speed.
The slaves read the block of data back in around 165 seconds or 7.5MB/s or in
IF the copy operation scales, we can reach 10x7.5MB/s or 75MB/s with 10 slaves.
That would mean we would read the data in about 33 seconds + 4 minutes 9
seconds for
the copy of the data...
Let's say we do it in 5 minutes.
That would mean : 250M rows / 300 seconds = 833k rows/s (only a little bit
than my laptop)
OK, now suppose we would read directly from S3 at the same leisurely speed of
7.5MB/s. (most likely feasible since we now do it at 10MB/s)
That would mean we would process the file in 33 seconds. (perhaps it's possible
to go
--> 7.5M rows/s
At 10MB/s per slave we would hit 100MB/s throughput and we would process the
file in
25 seconds at 10M rows/s. (I would be happy with half that speed)
Conclusion: allowing the user to bypass the local file copying would allow us
to gain
*really* interesting speeds. I would make you famous for it too :-)
Matt <mcasters (at) pentaho dot org>
Original comment by
on 5 Apr 2008 at 9:11
Did the "use of HTTP partial/range GET" ever get implemented? We need to be
able to read the header of a file and maybe do some small further reads after
that. I am trying to figure out if I can use s3fs to do this, or if I would
have to write my own custom system.
Original comment by
on 18 Jul 2011 at 4:18
Updated to v1.72, this version supports parallel upload/download, and
on-demand(?) download, etc for performance.
Please check new version, and if you find a bug please post new issue about the
I closed this issue because this issue is old and I want to know about
performance by new issue.
Thanks in advance.
Original comment by
on 10 Aug 2013 at 5:17
Original issue reported on by
on 5 Apr 2008 at 12:20