yotarazona / scikit-eo

A Python package for Remote Sensing Data Analysis
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Issues in calkmeans #34

Closed robmarkcole closed 3 weeks ago

robmarkcole commented 3 weeks ago


self.nodata is used, but self is not defined in the function. Solution: arr[np.isnan(arr)] = nodata

KeyError in Algorithm Filtering

The keys used in the dictionary (dic) do not match the algorithm names used in the deletion loop. Solution: Adjust the keys in dic to be the algorithm name:

dic = {
    'auto': inertias_intra_lloyd_k,
    'elkan': inertias_intra_elkan_k

Inconsistency in Metric Computation:

Using kmeanModel.score(arr) for 'auto' and kmeanModel.inertia_ for 'elkan

Solution: Use inertia in both cases: inertias_inter_lloyd.append(kmeanModel.inertia_) Alternative: If you prefer to use the score, warn that it's the negative of inertia.

Deprecated Algorithm Names

The algorithm parameter in KMeans has deprecated options 'auto' and 'full'.


Solution: Adjust the algo parameter default to ('lloyd', 'elkan').

Handling NoData Values with Fuzzy Matching

This occurs in a few places, and as type hints are not used people may pass an int or a float. Consider instead:

if np.isnan(nodata):
    nodata_mask = np.isnan(arr)
    nodata_mask = np.isclose(arr, nodata)
arr[nodata_mask] = np.nan  # Or replace with a suitable value

Proposed change

Incoporating type hints and other best practice:

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Dict, List
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import rasterio
import numpy as np

def calkmeans(
    image: rasterio.io.DatasetReader,
    k: Optional[int] = None,
    algo: Tuple[str, ...] = ("lloyd", "elkan"),
    max_iter: int = 300,
    n_iter: int = 10,
    nodata: float = -99999.0,
) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
    Calibrating KMeans Clustering Algorithm

    This function calibrates the KMeans algorithm for satellite image classification.
    It can either find the optimal number of clusters (k) by evaluating the inertia
    over a range of cluster numbers or determine the best algorithm ('lloyd' or 'elkan')
    for a given k.

        image (rasterio.io.DatasetReader): Optical image with 3D data.
        k (Optional[int]): The number of clusters. If None, the function finds the optimal k.
        algo (Tuple[str, ...]): Algorithms to evaluate ('lloyd', 'elkan').
        max_iter (int): Maximum iterations for KMeans (default 300).
        n_iter (int): Number of iterations or clusters to evaluate (default 10).
        nodata (float): The NoData value to identify and handle in the data.
        **kwargs: Additional arguments passed to sklearn.cluster.KMeans.

        Dict[str, List[float]]: A dictionary with algorithm names as keys and lists of
                                inertia values as values.

        - If k is None, the function evaluates inertia for cluster numbers from 1 to n_iter.
        - If k is provided, the function runs KMeans n_iter times for each algorithm to
          evaluate their performance.
        - The function handles NoData values using fuzzy matching to account for floating-point precision.
    if not isinstance(image, rasterio.io.DatasetReader):
        raise TypeError('"image" must be raster read by rasterio.open().')

    bands: int = image.count
    rows: int = image.height
    cols: int = image.width

    # Read and reshape the image data
    st: np.ndarray = image.read()  # Shape: [bands, rows, cols]
    st_reorder: np.ndarray = np.moveaxis(st, 0, -1)  # Shape: [rows, cols, bands]
    arr: np.ndarray = st_reorder.reshape((rows * cols, bands))  # Shape: [rows*cols, bands]

    # Handle nodata values with fuzzy matching
    if np.isnan(nodata):
        nodata_mask = np.isnan(arr).any(axis=1)
        nodata_mask = np.isclose(arr, nodata).any(axis=1)

    # Extract valid data (rows without nodata)
    valid_data: np.ndarray = arr[~nodata_mask]

    # Check if there is any valid data
    if valid_data.size == 0:
        raise ValueError("No valid data found to perform clustering.")

    # Validate algorithms
    valid_algorithms = ("lloyd", "elkan")
    for algorithm in algo:
        if algorithm not in valid_algorithms:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid algorithm '{algorithm}'. Must be one of {valid_algorithms}.")

    results: Dict[str, List[float]] = {}

    if k is None:
        # Finding the optimal number of clusters
        for algorithm in algo:
            inertias: List[float] = []
            for n_clusters in range(1, n_iter + 1):
                kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, max_iter=max_iter, algorithm=algorithm, **kwargs)
            results[algorithm] = inertias
        return results

    elif isinstance(k, int) and k > 0:
        # Evaluating algorithms for a given k
        for algorithm in algo:
            inertias: List[float] = []
            for _ in range(n_iter):
                kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, max_iter=max_iter, algorithm=algorithm, **kwargs)
            results[algorithm] = inertias
        return results

        raise TypeError(f"'k' must be None or a positive integer. Got {k} of type {type(k)}.")

And a test

import pytest
import numpy as np
import rasterio
from rasterio.io import MemoryFile

def test_calkmeans():
    # Create synthetic image data
    width, height, bands = 100, 100, 3  # Image dimensions and number of bands
    np.random.seed(42)  # For reproducibility

    # Generate synthetic image with three clusters
    cluster_centers = np.array([
        [50, 50, 50],
        [150, 150, 150],
        [250, 250, 250]

    total_pixels = height * width  # 10000 pixels
    num_clusters = len(cluster_centers)  # 3 clusters

    # Calculate base size and remainder
    base_size = total_pixels // num_clusters  # 3333 pixels per cluster
    remainder = total_pixels % num_clusters   # 1 pixel remaining

    # Initialize cluster sizes
    cluster_sizes = [base_size] * num_clusters  # [3333, 3333, 3333]

    # Distribute the remainder
    for i in range(remainder):
        cluster_sizes[i] += 1  # Now cluster_sizes = [3334, 3333, 3333]

    cluster_data = []
    for center, size in zip(cluster_centers, cluster_sizes):
        data = np.random.normal(loc=center, scale=10, size=(size, bands))

    # Combine and shuffle the data
    image_data = np.vstack(cluster_data)
    image_data = image_data.reshape((height, width, bands)).astype(np.float32)

    # Introduce nodata values
    nodata_value = -99999.0
    image_data[0, 0, :] = nodata_value  # Set the first pixel to nodata

    # Create an in-memory raster dataset
    transform = rasterio.transform.from_origin(0, 0, 1, 1)  # Arbitrary transform
    with MemoryFile() as memfile:
        # Open the in-memory file in write mode
        with memfile.open(
        ) as dataset_writer:
            # Write data to the dataset
            for i in range(bands):
                dataset_writer.write(image_data[:, :, i], i + 1)
            # Note: No need to call dataset_writer.close() explicitly within 'with' block

        # Now reopen the dataset in read mode
        with memfile.open() as dataset:
            # dataset_reader is a DatasetReader

            # Run the calkmeans function
            # Case 1: Find the optimal number of clusters
            results_optimal_k = calkmeans(
                algo=('lloyd', 'elkan'),

            # Case 2: Evaluate algorithms for a given k
            k_value = 3
            results_given_k = calkmeans(
                algo=('lloyd', 'elkan'),

            # Case 2: Evaluate algorithms for a given k
            k_value = 3
            results_given_k = calkmeans(
                algo=('lloyd', 'elkan'),

    # Assertions to check the outputs
    # Case 1: Check if results contain expected keys and correct number of inertia values
    assert isinstance(results_optimal_k, dict), "Results should be a dictionary."
    for algorithm in ('lloyd', 'elkan'):
        assert algorithm in results_optimal_k, f"Algorithm '{algorithm}' should be in results."
        inertias = results_optimal_k[algorithm]
        assert len(inertias) == 5, "Inertia list should have length equal to n_iter."
        assert all(isinstance(val, float) for val in inertias), "Inertias should be floats."

    # Case 2: Check if results contain expected keys and correct number of inertia values
    assert isinstance(results_given_k, dict), "Results should be a dictionary."
    for algorithm in ('lloyd', 'elkan'):
        assert algorithm in results_given_k, f"Algorithm '{algorithm}' should be in results."
        inertias = results_given_k[algorithm]
        assert len(inertias) == 5, "Inertia list should have length equal to n_iter."
        assert all(isinstance(val, float) for val in inertias), "Inertias should be floats."

    print("All tests passed.")


Bonus - make scikit-eoMultispectral capable

This func can actually accept != 3 channels, propose either documenting which funcs dont support != 3 or making all more flexible

yotarazona commented 3 weeks ago

@robmarkcole excelent!!! again, do you mind if you can contribute as a pull request? let me know please.