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improvements to Array chunk method #363

Closed HugeLetters closed 12 months ago

HugeLetters commented 1 year ago

Native chunk method provided in the example is rather slow - these are some simple improvements to it in case people copy code from this repo.

I've tried to keep the formatting consistent with what I saw but apologies if some of it is not.

kungfooman commented 1 year ago

Pretty sure that a simple for-loop beats any reduce'ing too:

const chunk = (input, size) => {
  const arr = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i += size) {
    arr.push(input.slice(i, i + size));
  return arr;
const ret = chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 3);
console.log(JSON.stringify(ret, null, 2))

But I have no interest in testing performance, since it's not a priority for me right now.

HugeLetters commented 1 year ago

Pretty sure that a simple for-loop beats any reduce'ing too:

const chunk = (input, size) => {
  const arr = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i += size) {
    arr.push(input.slice(i, i + size));
  return arr;
const ret = chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 3);
console.log(JSON.stringify(ret, null, 2))

But I have no interest in testing performance, since it's not a priority for me right now.

This is definitely even faster but I don't know if the purpose of the examples is to be easily accessibly to beginner devs so I've tried to keep modifications to a minimum. I think your example should be included instead of mine but I would like to hear what other people think.

ODudek commented 1 year ago

I've created simple performance test

kungfooman commented 1 year ago

I've created simple performance test

Nice, interesting, seems like reduce is way faster than the for-loop:


Even though I see potential to optimize it further, like const n = input.length; while preallocating the proper Array length (instead of using push, just simple arr[i] = ...)

HugeLetters commented 1 year ago

I've created simple performance test

Pretty sure something is wrong with this tool - there's no way lodash method is that much slower than the rest, especially considering it's vastly faster on my PC.

I get that how I sound when I say I don't believe these benchmarks but I do really find it unlikely that the previous native version which does multiple array copies for every iteration is faster than mine which only does mutations or @kungfooman which does only length/chunkSize array copies.

kungfooman commented 1 year ago

Pretty sure something is wrong with this tool

Lol, had the same feeling... tried to edit the benchmark, but couldn't even find a way to do that, so I forgot about it, bad UI and I'm gone :sweat_smile:

HugeLetters commented 1 year ago

This is what I get running locally

const chunkNew = (input, size) => {
  return input.reduce((arr, item, idx) => {
    if (idx % size === 0) arr.push([item])
    else arr[arr.length - 1].push(item)

    return arr
  }, [])

const chunkOld = (input, size) => {
  return input.reduce((arr, item, idx) => {
    return idx % size === 0 ? [...arr, [item]] : [...arr.slice(0, -1), [...arr.slice(-1)[0], item]]
  }, [])

const chunkFor = (input, size) => {
  const arr = []
  for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i += size) arr.push(input.slice(i, i + size))

  return arr

for (const _ of Array(100)) {
  //   warmup
  const testArray = new Array(10000).fill(1).map(Math.random)

  const nativeOld = chunkOld(testArray, 37)
  const nativeNew = chunkNew(testArray, 37)
  const nativeFor = chunkFor(testArray, 37)

const arraySizes = [10, 10_000, 1_000_000]
const chunkSizes = [2, 10, 100, 12345].reverse()

for (const arraySize of arraySizes) {
  const testArray = new Array(arraySize).fill(1).map(Math.random)
  for (const chunkSize of chunkSizes) {
    if (chunkSize > arraySize) continue

    console.time(`native old - ${arraySize} by ${chunkSize}`)
    const nativeOld = chunkOld(testArray, chunkSize)
    console.timeEnd(`native old - ${arraySize} by ${chunkSize}`)

    console.time(`native new - ${arraySize} by ${chunkSize}`)
    const nativeNew = chunkNew(testArray, chunkSize)
    console.timeEnd(`native new - ${arraySize} by ${chunkSize}`)

    console.time(`native for - ${arraySize} by ${chunkSize}`)
    const nativeFor = chunkFor(testArray, chunkSize)
    console.timeEnd(`native for - ${arraySize} by ${chunkSize}`)

And results are

native old - 10 by 10: 0.176ms
native new - 10 by 10: 0.021ms
native for - 10 by 10: 0.015ms
native old - 10 by 2: 0.02ms
native new - 10 by 2: 0.02ms
native for - 10 by 2: 0.019ms
native old - 10000 by 100: 12.512ms
native new - 10000 by 100: 0.392ms
native for - 10000 by 100: 0.038ms
native old - 10000 by 10: 44.783ms
native new - 10000 by 10: 0.438ms
native for - 10000 by 10: 0.277ms
native old - 10000 by 2: 149.928ms
native new - 10000 by 2: 0.926ms
native for - 10000 by 2: 0.344ms

It just gets stuck because old is so slow. If I remove it I get

native new - 10 by 10: 0.162ms
native for - 10 by 10: 0.015ms
native new - 10 by 2: 0.021ms
native for - 10 by 2: 0.015ms
native new - 10000 by 100: 0.387ms
native for - 10000 by 100: 0.123ms
native new - 10000 by 10: 0.654ms
native for - 10000 by 10: 0.085ms
native new - 10000 by 2: 0.952ms
native for - 10000 by 2: 0.342ms
native new - 1000000 by 12345: 147.472ms
native for - 1000000 by 12345: 4.72ms
native new - 1000000 by 100: 52.133ms
native for - 1000000 by 100: 3.244ms
native new - 1000000 by 10: 64.022ms
native for - 1000000 by 10: 16.614ms
native new - 1000000 by 2: 251.763ms
native for - 1000000 by 2: 253.353ms
HugeLetters commented 1 year ago

Pretty sure something is wrong with this tool

Lol, had the same feeling... tried to edit the benchmark, but couldn't even find a way to do that, so I forgot about it, bad UI and I'm gone 😅

I've tried the other online benchmarking tool I found - surprisingly same weird results :|

kungfooman commented 1 year ago

Yup, same results for me, for + slice is always faster than reduce:


Maybe those benchmark pages are functional programming sect leaders and fit the test results for everything containing calls to FP methods... conspiracy 🕵️

kungfooman commented 1 year ago

Wrong alarm about the sect leaders, you actually have to fill your arrays m8:


HugeLetters commented 1 year ago

Wrong alarm about the sect leaders, you actually have to fill your arrays m8:

They are filled. This line.

  const testArray = new Array(arraySize).fill(1).map(Math.random)


kungfooman commented 1 year ago

I mean here... I removed the old version, because it can't even handle the load (tab crashes).

New result:


(2) being for/splice-version

kungfooman commented 1 year ago

They are filled. This line.

Yep, I realized it started unfilled with @ODudek first benchmark test

HugeLetters commented 1 year ago

I mean here... I removed the old version, because it can't even handle the load (tab crashes).

Oh right, I think that explains the first benchmark too - I've just copied it over to a new site without looking too much into it

kungfooman commented 12 months ago

@HugeLetters So what's you plan, make a PR with fastest version?

HugeLetters commented 12 months ago

@HugeLetters So what's you plan, make a PR with fastest version?

Nah, I've closed it since there's no response from people on the contributors team - if they have no interest in improving the examples then so be it.

kungfooman commented 12 months ago

@HugeLetters Right, so @ODudek, would you have time to review and merge, once @HugeLetters would change to fastest version?