youegraillot / lidarr-on-steroids

Lidarr with some muscles thanks to deemix
335 stars 26 forks source link

Missing Release Group tag #50

Closed Abraka closed 1 year ago

Abraka commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When downloading new albums, nothing is imported and stays in queue because there is missing "Release group" tag.

Screenshots dmLid1

System info (please complete the following information):

docker-compose.yml (please complete the following information):

version: "3"
    image: youegraillot/lidarr-on-steroids
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8686:8686" # Lidarr web UI
      - "6595:6595" # Deemix web UI
      - /home/lidarr-deemix/config:/config
      - /home/lidarr-deemix/config_deemix:/config_deemix
      - /home/lidarr-deemix/downloads:/downloads
      - /home/lidarr-deemix/music:/music
codefaux commented 1 year ago

Release group missing will not cause failure to import. Hover over the red ! beside the import item and screenshot what the error message actually indicates.


Abraka commented 1 year ago

Aye, aye, Captain - here it is. I got few for you:

lid5 lid4 lid3 lid2 lid1

codefaux commented 1 year ago

Every sample submitted is normal operation, though it may not be intuitive.

Specifically regarding the Sinatra album, I suspect if you scroll further one of the files in the same folder or a group of files in said folder -were- accepted, but these files were not, and thus it blocked the entire group of accepted and unaccepted files to be safe, with the message "Has unmatched tracks".

Your Lars Danielsson Edition album which is blocking for "Has unmatched tracks" is the exact message I expect you will find in the Sinatra album's import window; Lidarr will not import anything from a folder if there's unmatched content. In addition, the same album is being blocked because it cannot verify the album, the media count is wrong, it believes the release is from the wrong country, the label of the release is not known to match the album you requested, there are album tracks unaccounted for, and there are release tracks without matching album tracks.

I could break them all down, but those two cover the entirety of the error messages you've been shown.

As it says in the picture, the Album match is not close enough. You've marked an album and received a release that is similar to the one requested(*see below) but not close enough. Likely causes are artists who release Deluxe editions, region-specific albums/album content, EP vs Album etc etc etc.


There are 5 different versions of this album. If you click the icon in the top corner when searching or one of the links under Links you can find different releases/info on those releases from various sources.

Summer In Berlin, specifically from -- there are releases with digital-only content, BluRay media, CDs, some are two-part and some are one-part.

Lidarr is telling you that the release it believes that you're looking for is not the one which it has found, or that it cannot match what it has found well enough to any known release set. Retagged content, custom-tagged content, unusual filenames, honestly a dozen things can trip it up and likely none of them are your fault; it's just the nature of automation. It can only go so far.

To change which release it will target, BEFORE downloading/importing any files for the album, click the Edit button. image

In the Release drop-down, select which one you want. image

Abraka commented 1 year ago

Thank you for detailed explanation. Few points-questions to this: a) its little bit confusing for me as beginner in this, because I expected that "lidarr-on-steroids" is deezer centric and not under musicbrainz umbrela. Meaning that if I have deezer centric enviroment, why care about X external data sources when I run this specifically for deezer. So I dont care about exact match of individual albums. I just want to add some artist and let lidarr-on-steroids download all available data from deezer. I somehow naively expected that all info include album and artist is deezer centric and downloaded from deezer in this lidarr spin. b) can I change somehow settings in lidarr-on-steroids to have behaviour mentiond above? Because with original spin of lidarr I can get albums and everything synchronized with external sources and in that case, mentioned failures captured in screenshots wouldnt bother me. Thx.

codefaux commented 1 year ago

No worries, glad to help. I never really found it explained anywhere so I figured someone should write it down.

To point A; I'm not sure where you got that impression. From the repo front page;

This repository bundles a modded version of Lidarr and Deemix into a docker image featuring :

    Native Deemix integration as an indexer and downloader for Lidarr
    Automatic Lidarr and Deemix configuration
    Automatic conversion from any format with ffmpeg
    Podman compatibility with rootless mode

This allows an easy deployment, with the advantage of having a direct control over Deemix indexing and downloader capacities into Lidarr 

What you describe is Lidarr, stripped of all functionality and reliant purely on Deezer. That is not what is implied by the project. Your description would be "Lidarr-but-neutered" because Lidarr is designed to do all of the things I mentioned that you don't desire/care about. Lidarr-on-Steroids is Lidarr, with Deemix as an indexer and a download client. Deemix is a Deezer-centric music finding/downloading/managing software with a far weaker featureset compared against Lidarr.

I have a feeling you don't fully grok the role of metadata sources, indexers, and download clients. Apologies if that isn't the case; I'm trying to be thorough, not patronizing.

Metadata sources are how retail/released artist/album details are gathered, like images, track lengths, track names, orders, album artwork, musician credits, etc. The point of Lidarr using as many metadata sources as it does is simple; it's designed NOT to rely on a single download source. It's designed for you to add an artist/album, specify which version you care about if you do, and find it among all of the hundreds of releases from dozens of different versions of the album. Diverse Metadata sources are its largest strength.

An Indexer is a Torrent Tracker like PirateBay or a Usenet tracker like Dognzb, who provides an up-to-date list of literally every scene group release, as it comes out, and a means of finding said release like a Torrent, Magnet URI or an NZB file. Your media manager software uses this feed to trigger automatic download of new albums as they're released, and find old albums on demand.

A download client is normally a Torrent or Newsgroup downloader. Downloads the files and assmbles them, sometimes unpacks them for you.

Lidarr-on-steroids is a media manager which ADDS Deemix as an Indexer and Download Client. Nowhere does it mention stripping out the other 75% of Lidarr's functionality.

To point B: No. It sounds to me like you want "Lidarr but without all of the things that make it Lidarr." What you describe you want from this project is literally exactly what you get if you just use Deemix.

This project is for people who want Lidarr, and all of its features, but also want Deemix added as an integrated Indexer, and as a Download Client. I used Lidarr before, integrated with three additional indexers, plus Deluge and nzbget. While I had success before, LoS has cut a significant chunk out of my miss rate, but I do not wish to lose Lidarr's features or my existing integrations.

If you just want Deezer's metadata, Deezer's songs, Deezer's albums -- just use Deemix. It's Lidarr-but-neutered-and-purely-Deezer-centric, just like you wanted. Deemix can't do NZB or Torrent because it's purely Deezer-centric, obviously. Really though there's nothing wrong with Deemix by itself, if that's all you need. Give it a try.

PS: Deemix released their final, last-ever update 8mo ago. It still works, but it is not receiving updates, and might break at any time. When it does, LoS will stop working as well. d-fi is a command line replacement for Deemix but will not integrate directly into LoS in Deemix's place, I'm not sure what else is out there for Deezer, I literally only started using LoS/Deezer this week, lol

Abraka commented 1 year ago

Again, thx for detailed explanation. Descripted roles are familiar to me. And you right, I would like to have something like lidarr dumb down for deezer exclusive data set and cut out anything else from external data sources. Just add new artist and let lidarr-deezer download and peridocially check new albums for that artist. For standart newznab or torrent sources I can have original lidarr. I didnt know about deemix ending, so thx for that info. I hope somebody make usable fork of it and maybe will add some basic additional features as creating of artist list and automaticly download new album for them, metadata inncluded. Then I would be abble to ditch this L-o-S. But if deemix ends and there wouldnt by any usable replacement, then I guess that I will simply cancel deezer subscription and try another adventure.

codefaux commented 1 year ago

Honestly? I'm an archivist so I can be really picky about what gets accepted and what doesn't. But, I'm on your side. I really would like one solution which has a fallback which just works. Manually going back to fix things is acceptable and unavoidable, but music is the one area that Just Works(tm) the least for me.

LoS is a big step forward, but it does suffer the pain of metadata clash.

Perhaps the key is also adding Deezer as a metadata source? Then the Deezer release will definitely match. Perhaps change your issue title (or file a new one) to reflect requesting a Deezer metadata source implementation as well as the indexer and download client, to avoid album release clashes, if you're interested in pursuing LoS further. That would be the cleanest way to fix your problem, given your use of other Lidarr features.

Re: "create a list of artists, download, metadata, etc and monitor it" see DeeMon? I haven't used it personally, but I saw it while skimming around to figure out WTF Deemix/Deezer was the other day after finding LoS for the first time. There's no built container, but the repo includes a Dockerfile so deploying it on a Docker host is still pretty trivial. Doesn't fix your subscription or integrate super well with Lidarr right now but you might not need it anymore, right?

codefaux commented 1 year ago

Actually I just noticed Deemon relies on deemix so nevermind on that one, it'll break when deemix does. d-fi remains the top Deemix replacement in my sight, though it is cli.

Abraka commented 1 year ago

Perhaps the key is also adding Deezer as a metadata source? Then the Deezer release will definitely match. Perhaps change your issue title (or file a new one) to reflect requesting a Deezer metadata source implementation as well as the indexer and download client, to avoid album release clashes, if you're interested in pursuing LoS further. That would be the cleanest way to fix your problem, given your use of other Lidarr features.

Good idea. I will do that. Thx for tips.