youhackme / Toggle

Ever seen a nice website and asked yourself what theme or plugins they are using? This is what this project is all about. Started back in 2014. Re-written from the ground up in 2017 using Laravel 5, MySQL, Redis and Elastic.
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Failed to connect to in GET /site/ #1279

Closed youhackme closed 6 years ago

youhackme commented 6 years ago

Error in Toggle

Failed to connect to in GET /site/ [{"xdebug_message":"<th align='left' bgcolor='#f57900' colspan=\"5\">( ! )<\/span> Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException: The command \"phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=true --load-images=false \/Users\/Shared\/devenv\/stella-telecom\/\/app\/Engine\/Bot\/scraper.js 'http:\/\/'\" failed.\n\nExit Code: 1(General error)\n\nWorking directory: \/Users\/Shared\/devenv\/stella-telecom\/\/public\n\nOutput:\n================\n[]\n\n\nError Output:\n================\n in \/Users\/Shared\/devenv\/stella-telecom\/\/app\/Engine\/Bot\/Driver\/PhantomJS.php on line 35<\/i><\/th><\/tr>\nCall Stack<\/th><\/tr>\n#<\/th>Time<\/th>Memory<\/th>Function<\/th><th align='le...

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app/Http/Controllers/SiteController.php:47 - App\Http\Controllers\SiteController::detect

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youhackme commented 6 years ago

An error linked to this issue has been marked as fixed in Bugsnag Failed to connect to in GET /site/