youknowone / UI7Kit

Backport flat-style UIKit from iOS7 to iOS5+
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UI7Kit does not colorize correctly on UITableView grouped style #146

Open ecstaticnate opened 10 years ago

ecstaticnate commented 10 years ago

Current behavior: The table view cells are white, where as the areas between the grouped table view cell sections are black and its headers and footers unreadable

Expected behavior: Areas in between uitableview sections should be white, like IOS 7 grouped table view styles.

How to reproduce this bug: simply make a uitableviewcontroller in the storyboard with a bunch of static cells and sections, and set random headers and footers. No code necessary.

youknowone commented 10 years ago

Hi. These tables are static table view controllers and I can't figure out the problem you described. Could you help me some more?

iOS6 + UI7Kit ios simulator screen shot 2014 2 14 19 36 06 ios simulator screen shot 2014 2 14 19 36 05

iOS7 ios simulator screen shot 2014 2 14 19 35 37 ios simulator screen shot 2014 2 14 19 35 36

ecstaticnate commented 10 years ago

Hey, I am so sorry for the late response.

Anyway, heres what I mean: ios simulator screen shot feb 17 2014 10 33 03 pm

So what I am doing is having prototype table view cells, which are used to display these 3 cells. The cells have their text set in cellForRowAtIndexPath, yadayayayaya. In the storyboard, the table view is set to the grouped style.

It looks perfect from your screenshots, but it doesn't look very promising on my side. What would you like me to do in order to debug this? This component is not exactly vital for my app, but it would be very nice.

mysticvalley commented 10 years ago

Hey I am also having same issue in my UITableView grouped style after UI7Kit patch. Do you find any solution? I am using Xcode 5.0.2. any word would be highly appreciated.

mysticvalley commented 10 years ago

I fixed this issue by changed the Background color of UITableView, View section to desired color other than "Default" color. After changing default color to any fixed color, both iOS 7 and iOS 6 devices were showing same color.