youknowone / UI7Kit

Backport flat-style UIKit from iOS7 to iOS5+
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getting compile errors #44

Closed jnordh closed 11 years ago

jnordh commented 11 years ago

Hi, great stuff! But unfortunately I am getting compile errors when including this to my current App. Errors in NSObjCRuntime.h, NSZone.h and NSObject.h all with same error, Parse issue expected identifier o unknown type name NSString...

Any idea what I am doing wrong? I followed the step in github how to include in existing project.

BR -Jan

youknowone commented 11 years ago

Hi. Would you share me the error log?

jnordh commented 11 years ago

Pods Group Parse Issue Group /Applications/ Expected identifier or '(' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'Protocol' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'Protocol' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Expected identifier or '(' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Unknown type name 'NSString' /Applications/ Expected identifier or '(' /Applications/ Expected identifier or '(' Semantic Issue Group /Applications/ Format argument not an NSString /Applications/ Format argument not an NSString Apple LLVM compiler 4.2 Error Group Too many errors emitted, stopping now

youknowone commented 11 years ago

Thank you.

I am sorry but I am not sure this is problem of UI7Kit. Your xcode doesn't find NSString from Foundation and this is not a possible error from UI7Kit as I know. When I first installed xcode5, I edited SDK header accidentely and got similar problem.

To check the problem concreately, try this things and let me know the result.

  1. Remove UI7Kit from your project and try to build without UI7Kit. - If error still exists, something other problem
  2. If problem is cleared but raised again after attaching UI7Kit, please paste here the header including order of your code, including UI7Kit (maybe only main.m if you followed the instruction)
jnordh commented 11 years ago

Hi, when I remove UI7Kit the error goes away. If added it again (using POD), then the same error occurs again. Yes, I followed the instruction (I believe). :-) Here is the main.m

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "EKZ2AppDelegate.h"
//#import <UI7Kit/UI7Kit.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    @autoreleasepool {
  //      [UI7Kit patchIfNeeded]; // in main.m, before UIApplicationMain()
        int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([EKZ2AppDelegate class]));
        return retVal;
jnordh commented 11 years ago

Hi, any idea what could be wrong? regards -Jan

youknowone commented 11 years ago

I tried to reproduce the same environment, but uikit-appdelegate-ui7kit doesnt make any problem for my project. I hope to have zipball of entire project directory, but i guess it is not easy for you due to license or nda.

I have a public project with ui7kit qrqr:

I wonder you can build this project or not. This helps to know your problem is project-specific problem or environment-specific problem. (in fact, i am not sure what to do next afrer this) Sorry for not very helpful advices.

jnordh commented 11 years ago

Hi, how can it be built? I am getting this error: iOSDevelopments/GitHUB/QRQR/zxing/iphone/Barcodes/beep-beep.aiff: No such file or directory Even downloaded zxing... but could not get qrqr to build due to this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

jnordh commented 11 years ago

Hi again! sorry, I resolved the qrqr build issue. The project qrqr builds just fine now. But, my project does not :-( What could be wrong? What I am doing wrong?? :-) BR -Jan

youknowone commented 11 years ago

Oh.. I forgot about the submodule. Sorry for lack of instruction.

I still guess it is a header including order issue, but not sure. I really want to see the archive of the project. I feel blind now. Could you make a minimal project archive, removing sensitive files which should not be public?

youknowone commented 11 years ago

I fixed precompiled header errors for old cocoapods. Retry again with UI7Kit 0.3.1 and please let me know if problem doesn't become resolved.

jnordh commented 11 years ago

Hi, I not updated UI7Kit to 0.3.2, same problem. It fails in building PODs, not when building the real App. :-) could it be incompatibility to other PODs? Thanks -Jan

jnordh commented 11 years ago

This fixes the issue: Updated cocoapods to 0.22.2: sudo gem update cocoapods and did an update and the project built fine. Thank you VERY much for the great support and help! Best regards -Jan

youknowone commented 11 years ago

Thank you about letting me know you solved it.

I checked current version with cocoapods 0.20.2 works finely. So kind of issues may be reproduced again.