youknowone / UI7Kit

Backport flat-style UIKit from iOS7 to iOS5+
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UITableView/Cell #8

Open youknowone opened 11 years ago

youknowone commented 11 years ago


iT0ny commented 11 years ago

Hi,thanks for ur hard work! Will there ever be support for grouped UITableView style?

[upd] srry didn't notice that

youknowone commented 11 years ago

Thanks. Added to to-to list.

gabrielribeiro commented 11 years ago

You are doing a very great job! Can't wait for next release! =)

massimobio commented 10 years ago

Somebody did a iOS 7 looking sliding table view cell you might be able to incorporate:

youknowone commented 10 years ago

@massimobio Looks great. I will try this. Thanks!

youknowone commented 10 years ago

Accessories done

LeoNatan commented 10 years ago

Easiest way of implementing the delete button is implementing similarly to how UIKit is implemented - UITableViewCell contains a scrollview subview, which contains the content view, which contains what would normally be what the user adds in code and/or from Interface Builder. When the user slides the cell, he actually slides the scrollview, which also contains the buttons.

Implementing this hierarchy internally would give best results.

lokielse commented 10 years ago

hi @youknowone , could you please implement an method which can set the Grouped tableView style(in iOS7) to be like iOS 5/6 which has left right margin & round borders.