younesaassila / ttv-lol-pro

TTV LOL PRO removes most livestream ads from Twitch. This is free, don't expect it to be perfect.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.43k stars 29 forks source link

Understanding proxies #68

Closed Lucas559-noob closed 1 year ago

Lucas559-noob commented 1 year ago

I saw another github repo about the proxies And now I was thinking(since I noticed that the free servers are the location and not from where it makes stream ad free). So if I do a math, there is the time to go from my location to server location(idk the exact time since idk how to do a speedtest with proxies, so I will guess 100ms?), the server to Russia(30ms?), Russia to server(same 30ms?) and server back to my pc(100ms?). If I did the server myself for me, it would be my pc to server(instantly), then to Russia and then back to my server that goes back to my pc. Or this would affect nothing in speed?

younesaassila commented 1 year ago

The proxy is only used for the initial manifest request. Once that is done, Twitch starts streaming directly to your computer, though thinking you live elsewhere.